Assembling Your Marketing Team: Things To Keep In Mind

Assembling Your Marketing Team
Regardless of the industry that your business is in, you cannot deny that your company's impression and image are assets. This is why you need to take care of it deeply. You have to make sure that the marketing message you craft resonates well with your target audience. You need to see to it that every campaign tackles consumer issues while avoiding controversies.

Marketing can be quite tricky to navigate, as it is a mixture of aesthetics, data, consumer insights, and some gut feeling. With this in mind, you need to have the right companions who will join you on this journey. Your marketing team should be composed of the right people.

Here are some of the key members that should be on your list:

Marketing Managers and Brand Managers

In many companies, a marketing manager and a brand manager are often the same person. There are obviously overlaps, and that's fine. But if you want to be very specific with the roles, you need to hire two people who have entirely different tasks. Brand managers make sure that all the campaign materials are consistent with the brand's core values and philosophies. They spearhead advertising campaigns, and they usually report to marketing managers. On the other hand, marketing managers take care of the overall marketing and advertising activities, which include brand management. They study the feasibility of a product or promos, and they manage the budgets of the campaigns.

Advertising and Digital Marketing Agencies

While you may have in-house creatives, some of which may even have a background in web development and 3D modeling for games, it is wise that you hire third-party partners, such as advertising and digital marketing agencies. They may provide services and solutions that your company does not have, such as creative materials development for TV and radio, search engine optimization, community management, media planning, and media buying.

Research Agencies

At the core of your marketing and advertising campaigns is the message of the brand. And the message of the campaign should always be hinged on real-life insights and consumer truths. You will know what your consumers are talking about or how they perceive your products by working with marketing research agencies.

They do not only conduct surveys, but they also spearhead focus group discussions where representatives from your target audience can give insights and reviews on your products and how these play a role in their lives.

A Public Relations Firm

Your brand's image is a social asset in the world of business, and it needs to be good-looking all the time. To build rapport with the target audience, influencers, and journalists who can vouch for your brand's authenticity, you need to work with a PR firm. They will not only help you come up with a corporate social responsibility program, but they can also help you come up with a crisis plan in case your brand is facing a scandal or controversy.

Assemble Your Team

When assembling your killer marketing team, you need to make sure that they meet your criteria. You need to ensure that they understand the things that your brand value. Being on the same page will allow everyone to create great and compelling work.

How to Use Brand Colors In A Video?

Brand Colors In A Video
Creating a brand image is crucial when it comes to the long-term growth of your business. From the brand logo, you choose to the brand name, every detail counts. One other detail that is often ignored is the color scheme. You should aim at creating a strong color palette based on the personality of your brand. Making videos is easy today as you can easily find several free YouTube video creator tools and video editing software options. What matters is how much you consistently maintain the color schemes in your videos.

Why Should You Worry About Colors In Videos?

Consistency in your color schemes across various brand elements and marketing campaigns help create a visual impression that works well with potential leads and new customers alike.

Even customers who do not remember your brand name initially might relate with the colors provided you use them wisely. Finding the same palette in multiple channels makes it easier for the customers to recognize your brand. When there is a uniformity in the colors used in your website and the content you post on social media, you can work on strengthening your social media presence.

How To Choose Colors For Your Brand?

Color psychology is a field that intrigues various marketers. Different colors have different effects on people’s moods.

The type of colors you choose should reflect your brand’s personality. Plain colors might not enthrall the young audience. If your brand focuses on elite customers, too many bold or gaudy colors should not be part of your brand’s videos.

You can use complementary colors that are known to look good in combination with one another. This is when you pick colors from the opposite spectrum on a color wheel.

Monochrome palettes are the easiest to work with. This is where you choose a single hue and then pick multiple tints.
Your colors should be in sync with the kind of products and services your brand offers. For a brand selling mattresses or other types of sleep and relaxation related products, vibrant and stimulating colors like red might not be the right choice.

Study the color wheel to understand better the relationship between different colors and their shades. Some subtle palettes are suitable for the colorblind audience. For eyewear brands and other such categories focusing on such diverse groups of the audience is essential, you can pick muted palettes that all your audience can differentiate.

How Can You Incorporate Your Color Palette In Your Videos?

The type of video editing tool you use determines the procedure for adding the color schemes in your videos.

Create The Color Palette

You should know about the various elements in a video when you are trying to freeze a color palette. This would include the combination of the colors you use for each element. Background, fonts, and accents are among the elements to study. You should be able to visualize how a particular font color would look in the chosen background color. Individually these might be wonderful colors having a positive impact on the onlooker. But when used together, they should look captivating. Only when the font color is visibly contrasting from the background would the text make an impact. To know how each color would work with the other, you should put together a color palette of foreground color, one or more background colors, and accent colors. The actual number of colors you choose depends on the video editing app you make use of.

Brand-Specific Vs. Project-Specific Guidelines

This color palette you pick can be uniform for the brand or a particular project. Some brands have diverse product lines. They might focus on niche colors for each product line or category. So, when a new category is launched in the market, sticking with the same color scheme across various campaigns helps in creating interest in the latest release. This is where you would find color wheel based color selection to be useful. A brand that predominantly uses pastel color palettes can show the difference when there is an innovative new lineup being introduced by going for the darker shades.

Customize Templates

When you are working with video editors both online and offline, you can easily tailor the templates readily available to suit your needs. When you have a color palette ready in your hand, customizing the template to fit your marketing campaigns becomes so much easier. You would be able to work with your marketing team by simply giving them your color palette so that they can align the campaign themes uniformly. With the colors ready, you can simply add the images, select the colors in the template, add desired text, and apply the effects to generate your video in seconds.

When You Create Videos from Scratch

When you are creating videos from scratch, you have the option to pick colors for each element individually. Check the themes page for more information on the colors you can set initially. The primary color would be the font color or foreground colors. This can be chosen along with the font styles and size as well. You would also be able to add other effects like shadows or borders on the fonts. Choose borders in the same color as the font and for shadows choose lighter shades of the chosen font color. Complement these colors with the right transitions or effects, and you have a great video.


One main aspect when it comes to selecting color palettes is to identify the colors used by competitors or even the bigger brands in your industry. Remember how strong the influence of colors can be on the audience. So, the key is to stand out and not remind your audience of your competitors. Focusing on brand colors and themes for videos is very important now that there are various channels utilized for marketing. It creates a sense of familiarity for the audience when they come across various ads and videos on social media.

12 Essential Customer Service Skills To Keep Your Customers Happy

12 Essential Customer Service Skills
Excellent customer service is critical to customer retention and acquisition. It's the holy grail of business. Without a reliable customer support team, you risk customers leaving or making the switch. Having it feels like you have access to the secrets of success right in front of you.

Think about this:

Companies in the U.S. lose over $62 billion every year solely because of poor customer service. But if you play your cards right, 7 out of 10 customers will upsell after receiving excellent service.

Enhance customer experience by employing the right people and training the team you already have. Read on to uncover the critical customer service skills that will keep consumers satisfied doing business with you.

1. Positive Delivery

First impressions matter, and with most customer support done over calls, it is easy to be misconstrued. Positive and calm energy throughout the call helps keep the customer experience at bay.

Such tone and attitude can only be achieved if the customer support representative is empathetic and has a heart of service. With this kind of upbeat delivery, you will expect happy customers to return more often.

2. Self-Control

Irate customers are inevitable. Every day, representatives get a few calls to learn to bite their tongue and keep it together.

To practice this skill, you can watch controversial videos you feel strongly about. Try to keep a straight face and control your words and emotions. Self-control is as crucial as controlling how your customers' queries get into your head.

Not all customers are the same; you will encounter their differences every day and how you react to them plays a crucial role in any service you will be providing.

3. Ability To Communicate Clearly

Your ability to communicate verbally and written are vital factors for good communication. Everything must be clearly communicated for your customers to have a satisfactory experience. It's essential to get your point across in a clear, concise, and respectful manner: no mumbling, no confusing jargon, and no lengthy explanations.

Customer service representatives should deliver straight-to-the-point answers while remaining patient with those who need more hand-holding assistance.

Good communication is where good relationships start, and you want nothing but the best relationship with your customers.

4. Product Knowledge

Customers expect representatives of your business to know your product like the back of their hands. Now it can be challenging when it comes to technicalities. Yet, your team must stay up-to-date with product changes and how the products work. For this reason, research becomes essential.

Some responses customers are most annoyed about are "I don't know" and "It's not available right now." Such words are void of hope that your customers will get the help they need. As such, representatives should learn to find out the solution or someone who has the solution.

If a product is not in stock, or service is temporarily unavailable, let the client know when he can have access. While it's important not to give false hope, knowing what to expect in terms of a timeline can decrease customer anxiety.

5. Attentiveness

Customers can tell, even on the phone, that the representative isn't paying attention. Sure, after many calls, it can be tough to stretch your patience and give your client 100 percent attention, but it's a must.

Being attentive is a good listening skill, and listening isn't only about hearing what the customers have to say. You should go beyond that and include comprehension or understanding in being attentive.

The last customer and the ones in-between should receive the same alertness and good listening skills as the first customer. If attention is withheld, customers become even more irritated, especially when they have to keep explaining the same thing without getting the right answers.

To ensure your support team maintains attentiveness throughout their working hours, determine proper call volume distribution, give enough breaks, and ensure zero distractions.

If you handle a remote customer service team, distractions can be tough to manage. Using a service that offers versatility like group paging, taking calls on any device, receiving calls on-the-go, and other related features can boost customer service efficiency.

6. Time Management

On the one hand, it's essential to be patient and attentive. On the other hand, large call volume demands a quick response time. Plan the number of time representatives can spend on researching answers, responding to emails, handling customers who need a little more TLC, onboarding clients, and other vital tasks.

Make every customer feel valued and prioritized. Please leave them in the back burner and reap enormous consequences. As it is, 83 percent of online consumers will abandon a purchase if they don't receive efficient customer service.

7. Quick Decision Making

It's essential to take responsibility for all the decisions you make while on the job. But, you can't take too long before making a decision.

How do you deal with customers who ask for discounts? How about angry customers? Quick thinking, along with problem-solving skills, goes hand in hand to empower your decision-making ability. It's vital to resolve the issue efficiently and quickly without escalating the problem.

However, it's also essential to keep decision fatigue in mind. When handling a customer support team, consider if faulty decisions are caused by overburdening your staff.

8. Willing To Go The Extra Mile

When people go the extra mile, these are the stories people love to share. The same goes for customer experience. When customer support representatives go beyond compliance to be authentic in offering help, customers share the experience with others through raving reviews.

Going the extra mile also gives a boost to your support team. Your team members are most likely to feel more motivated.

9. Closing Ability

Start well, finish well. Ending the call while leaving problems unaddressed can lead to frustrated customers. Strive for customer satisfaction and ensure that the issue at hand is taken care of. If not, give an assurance that the problem will be taken care of.

Practicing a good closing ability doesn't only give your team the peace of mind they deserve before going home; it also makes you all more efficient in finishing tasks.

10. Willing To Learn and Improve

Unrealistic expectations will only backfire, decreasing your team's productivity. But, your team members must be willing to learn from their mistakes, stay accountable, and be willing to get better.

It's essential to keep abreast of company and product knowledge, stay up-to-date with any changes or revisions in products and services, and know who to call for problems that the customer service representative cannot fix.

11. Empathy

The ability to understand the feeling of others is called empathy. Good customer service skills require you to understand how your customers feel to respond to their queries and concerns in a more effective way.

Although there are times when you find yourself not being able to give your customers the answers they're looking for, you can still empathize with them. They will appreciate it.

First, acknowledge their concerns by listening attentively to them. Understand how they feel and reiterate what they told you, so they know that you're listening.

12. Adaptability

When you work in public, you will encounter customers from different walks in life. A good customer service representative must handle different personalities that come together with different personal concerns.

Mental flexibility should be present for adaptability to exist. You will need it to respond to a variety of situations in whichever your customers will take you.

What We Can Take Away

A reliable customer support team can have significant advantages for your business. With every customer service call is a chance to acquire and retain customers, upsell, and foster loyalty.

Neglecting the improvement of your customer support can lead to harmful consequences as well. There's time to brush up on the customer service skills listed above, though don't expect significant changes to happen overnight.

Such skills are intertwined, and when applied, they will have positive effects on your customers, team, and business.

AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Irfan Mehmeti is tech blogger and digital marketer with 5 years of experience within the tech and digital marketing industry who writes for key tech publications. He lives in the Republic of Kosovo and is certified for content marketing by Hubspot Academy. Aside from tech and digital marketing, Irfan’sd weekends are very sportive as he cheers for his favorite football club Chelsea FC and hoops basketball with colleagues!
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How To Start An Ecommerce Business?

How To Start An Ecommerce Business
Several business-minded folks focus on using the Internet to gain financial advantage. However, the seemingly easy way to touch base with potential customers blinds many individuals into thinking that ecommerce is a ‘build it and leave it’ ordeal.

Like developing a physical business, it’s essential to go through the necessary steps to promote opportunities and lower risks. So, here are four ways to help you start an ecommerce business:

1. Document A Rough Plan

Perhaps, you already have an idea for an online business. But, it might be a tougher road ahead if you don’t document a rough plan to kickstart the idea into motion.

A business plan should help you identify goals, create action plans, recognize risks, and implement solutions to potential problems. Moreover, it may help you estimate costs to start the new online business.

Also, here are some elements that you should consider identifying in your business plan:
  • Brand description
  • Products and services
  • Business operations and procedures
  • Competitive market analysis
  • Marketing strategy
  • Cost and profit analysis

Keep in mind that ‘haste makes waste.’ You might feel excited to start your business and cover the market as soon as possible. However, don’t let that excitement cloud your better judgment. Instead, take the time in identifying and documenting the outline of your online business model. Are you going for quality or quantity based pricing? What are the steps to create efficiently smooth business operations? How much money do you expect to receive in net profit during the first three months?

Ask yourself these questions while you’re developing your plan. In turn, you may encounter ‘eureka’ moments that might help you reduce risks before, during, and after your ecommerce business’s development.

2. Research On Your Target Niches

Various beginner online business owners often make the mistake of creating fantastic products and services without researching their target niches. It’s as if you have an amazing item to sell, but you’re shouting your offers through a megaphone, hoping that someone will notice the announcements.

Reduce the time needed to accomplish sales conversions by identifying and researching about your target niches. Do this step, and you should reduce the effort needed to turn potential leads into loyal customers.

Start this procedure by seeing if your prospective niche has competition. If you’re entering a relatively saturated niche, outline the steps that you can level or even beat competitors. However, the absence of competitors may also mean that there’s no potential business in that sector. Thus, search for a niche that’s not overly crowded, yet has enough potential customers to keep your ecommerce business alive and kicking. Furthermore, aim to be quite specific about your chosen niche. You may less likely face less competition if you enter a specific market.

3. Select A Business Name

After solidifying your plan and choosing your specific niche, the next step is to choose your brand’s name. Like other businesses, either online or offline, you need to choose a business name that’s both unique and memorable. Moreover, that title should also symbolize your ecommerce company’s offerings. You may also need to check if the name is original and not claimed by another entity.

Consider listing potential names on paper. You may also use a document creation app if you desire. Nonetheless, seeing your options helps you separate the titles that 'click' from those that feel too cheesy.

4. Create A Website

Perhaps, it’s safe to say that an ecommerce company can’t exist without a website. You may use social media to leverage chosen niches and gain sales, but creating a website would make your brand look as professional as possible.

Having an ecommerce website for your brand promotes many benefits. For starters, it gives you complete administrative control of the site's functions. In comparison, businesses in social media tend to use a few features as these functionalities are the only ones usable by non-administrative users. Additionally, you can use the website to help your brand build a customer email list. Use this contact list for future marketing campaigns, while maintaining optimal accuracy in targeting.

Note that you don’t have to spend a significant amount of cash just to create an ecommerce website. You can still choose free or inexpensive options. As your brand grows, you can add more features to your website to enhance user experience.

5. Attract Customers

Now that you have your website, the next step is to attract customers from your chosen niche. Remember, your online business isn’t like a magic magnet that can attract buyers without you doing practically anything. You have to put in the effort to help your ecommerce business grow.

One way to attract organic customers to your website is through search engine optimization (SEO). Use legitimate SEO practices that would help your ecommerce site rise in search ranks.

Note that the days of overstuffing keywords into articles are gone, which might have existed back in the early 2000s. Back then, search engine algorithms might be simpler than today as these programs tend to read the quantity of content instead of its quality.

Now, sophisticated algorithms are in place as search engines may punish websites that overstuff pages with an unnecessary number of keywords. It’s now better to publish natural-sounding content than trying to appease search engine crawlers instead of human viewers. It’s because today’s search engines, particularly Google, offer value to websites that can provide value in return. Hence, doing legit SEO practices may help please search engine algorithms, thereby giving your site more opportunities for attracting customers as it shows up on the first page of search results.

Some examples of legitimate SEO techniques you can use for your ecommerce website are:
  • Complete the meta fields in each page on your website.
  • Develop an easy-to-navigate website.
  • Place importance on fast site speed.
  • Offer quality content to visitors 

Remember, your site’s rank might not rise overnight. It might take days, weeks, or even months of frequent on- and off-site optimization to help your website rank in search engines. But, you may see positive results over time if you’re consistent in doing these techniques.


Start with a plan, research a niche, select a business name, and create a website—these four steps help guide you to the successful launch of your ecommerce brand. Remember, developing an online business might not happen overnight. Practice patience and perseverance, and you might attract more interest than intended at launch.

Everything About Linux Shared Hosting [A Beginners Guide]

Everything About Linux Shared Hosting
Every business person wants their business with a strong reputation and a strong online presence. Linux Shared Web Hosting is a secure hosting platform that provides all the enhanced resources you are looking to maintain your website performance.

Shared Server Hosting is cheap, hence users' first choice. The Linux operating system offers you multiple benefits or smooth functionality that make it easy for you to host your website on a Cheap Linux Shared Hosting.

In this guide, we will focus on the introduction to Linux Shared Web Hosting and how it benefits your online business, how it is different from another web hosting, and what features you get with your hosting plans.

What Is Linux Shared Hosting?

Everything About Linux Shared Hosting
Linux Shared Hosting is one of the best types of web hosting that provides multiple accessible web services for your website. A business person and site owners have many choices among the long list of available hosting. Still, if they start their online business, it is best to choose the Linux Shared Web Hosting.

Linux Shared hosting is cheap in price and offers increased resources, including data security, site performance, and much more. Also, the open-source nature of Linux Hosting provides extra perks to your business.

How Linux Shared Hosting Is Different From Another Hosting?

Shared Linux Hosting is best for hosting the small scale businesses websites. Also, we can call it beginners hosting. It also provides the flexibility to share your server resources among the multiple websites hosted on a physical server.

Linux Shared Web Hosting comes with cheap hosting plans, but another hosting like VPS and Dedicated are expensive. If you start your business, then initially, you want to make less investment. Obviously, every business person wants the hosting that benefits their online business and helps them in generating more revenue on a small investment. Therefore, buy the Cheap Linux Shared Hosting in India plans and enjoy the high level of resources.

Another hosting also comes with a high level of resources that are not much needed at the initial level. Therefore, you have to pay for useless or unwanted resources if you choose the VPS or Dedicated Server. It is one of the reasons to select the Shared Linux Hosting for your website.

Benefits Of Using Linux Shared Hosting

Shared Linux Hosting is the best web hosting platform where the business person can host their website. It comes with a lot of advantages and resources. You get the RAM, highest bandwidth, HIgh traffic range, ultra fast server, storage space, and much more at an affordable price. Also, you can upgrade your resources and easily host your site on a Linux Shared Web Hosting. It comes with top-level advantages.

Look at the top benefits of Linux Shared Web Hosting:

1. Affordability:

Everything About Linux Shared Hosting
Linux Shared Web Hosting offers you a broad range of highly reliable resources. The best thing is that you get all the advanced features and new technology based resources at an affordable price. It is cheap web hosting in India than any other hosting plans. Hence, you can use the resources easily for your website hosting.

2. No Technical Skills Required:

When you choose the other web hosting services, you need strong technical skills to maintain your website. But with the Linux Shared Web Hosting, you do not worry about any technical issues and errors. Anyone can easily maintain and manage their website without facing any problems.

3. Built-in Cpanel Control Panel:

With another hosting like VPS and Dedicated Server, you get the operating system based control panel. With the Shared Linux Hosting, you get the cPanel Control panel to make the handle your server. Also, you can manage your website with yourself without having any expert guidance.

4. Open Sources Network:

With the Linux Shared Web Hosting, the best thing is that you get the flexibility to access the resources with ease because of its open-source network.

5. Data Security:

Everything About Linux Shared Hosting
Security is one of the main factors when you host your site on a broad network. With the cheap Linux Shared Hosting in India, you get the best security patches to keep your data secure and safe from unauthorized access and outside attacks.

6. Ease Of Use Resources:

Linux is an excellent platform with hosting. With the shared server, you can easily use the tools, system and resources. As you do not require any technical knowledge means all the available resources can be customized easily.

Which Linux Shared Hosting Provider Should You Choose?

Many web hosting providers offer web hosting services, but how to identify which one is best for your site hosting? When you search over the web, you get thousands of results according to your search. The Web Hosting provider, such as Server Wala, guides you and provides instant support for your site hosting. In contrast, the wrong choice of web host may ruin your business reputation. Therefore, do intense research before choosing the best Linux Shared Web Hosting.

With Server Wala Shared Linux Hosting, you get the dedicated resources to boost your site performance and website speed. Also, you can enjoy the benefits of additional resources easily. One of the main advantages of choosing such a hosting provider is that you get all the top-level services at a low price.


If you really care about your website performance and server speed, then it's time to host your website on a Cheap Linux Shared Hosting in India. You will surely get the best network experience and hardware configurations to smoothly run your websites with the hosting packages.

Therefore, for the rapid increase in business online presence and reputation, Linux Shared Web Hosting is a perfect web hosting solution. Host your site with ease and enjoy plenty of resources at a cheap rate.

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6 Actionable Real Estate SEO Hacks for Real Estate Agents

Real Estate SEO Hacks for Real Estate Agents
We live in a world full of electronics and machines capable of doing tasks that none of us could have imagined a few decades ago. Fast Computing machines or computers have changed everything around us form we work on a daily basis, we view the world, connectivity, traditional food market, real estate, etc.

Now although computers have indeed provided us with the power to quickly perform certain tasks and calculations. For instance, we don't have to wait for months to contact someone who is far away from us or we don't need to hire special programmers that could send and receive messages for us like in the early days. As of today, a normal computer be it your PC, laptop, or your mobile phone has enough 100 times more computing capability than the computers NASA used to send human beings to the moon. Anyone can perform calculations of billion digits long numbers through their mobile phone. Now, this fast pace of computing has some effects on different markets as well. For instance, the real estate market changes quickly as compared to the times without computers. This has even given rise to its separate market consisting of several Real estate companies, real estate agents. The cache is that all of them have a strong online presence for better reach. Well if you are also a real estate agent who is unable to find new leads through their website then we recommend you Looking for Real Estate SEO Services. SEO is important for real estate agents who need to generate new leads.

If you are unfamiliar with SEO or Search engine optimization then consider it a natural/unpaid or organic way of generating leads. So when you are thinking about real estate marketing and trying to decipher the secret behind those successful real estate agents, do consider SEO.

While it might be true that SEO has taken a bit of time to show effect and some of the marketers would suggest you to simply advertise your real estate business instead of wasting money on SEO. However, what they are missing is the fact that unlike a paid advertisement, SEO is completely based on your back links, loyal customer base, etc and the best thing about this is that even if you stop paid advertisement, the leads you generated through SEO will still be intact. So, if you also want to start building up your SEO for a real estate website then here are the best 6 actionable real estate SEO hacks for real estate agents looking to get more leads.


Now let's just get started by addressing the elephant in the room. The keyword plays a major in search engine optimization. You can consider keywords as the basic building block for search engine optimization. Keywords are a great way of targeting specific areas related to real estate. They help you focus on a range of google search engine queries and be at the top of the search engine result page. This is especially important if you are starting new, as the internet is already crowded with a lot of real estates related websites and it might not be possible to beat these other individual agents or companies in terms of SERP result as they completely dominate the internet in this area and they also have better SEO than you. So, we would recommend targeting areas where these top websites are lacking through keywords.

Next, we would like you to focus on these 3 types of web pages -
  • Listing pages, 
  • Building or neighborhood pages,
  • Blog/resources.

Listing Pages

These are most probably the most misunderstood and misused pages when it comes to real estate websites in SEO. So when it comes to SEO we want everything on your website to be unique and something that adds value to your website. However, the problem with these pages is that they are dynamically generated, which tends to create duplicate content around the web. So what you want to do is block your MLS listing pages to prevent your search engine from crawling these categories of pages. This way Google won't index them which is the perfect solution to this listing page problem.

Neighborhood Pages

Like we said we don't want the search engine to crawl the pages that are repeated on your website as it generally lowers your website ranking, also the solution to this problem is blocking these pages so that Google cannot crawl them. However, these pages are important for internal search and do exist on your website. These pages are referred to as neighborhood pages or MLS pages. So make sure that you carefully first understand the difference between the SEO external search which is what your search engine does and then the SEO internal search which is what users want. So, the best practice here is to block the MLS or neighborhood pages and get users to your website through your unique pages so that your SEO is not affected by blocking these MLS pages on your website.

Blog/Resource Pages

These are going to be the top of the funnel as these are the pages that drive traffic towards your websites. Keep in mind these pages are really important and must never be blocked or categorized as MLS pages. It is also a good idea to link these pages to the navigation bar as your users are on your website for the information and it must be easily accessible to them. So, make sure that you have good content on your website which is not just unique but well categorized or managed.

Keyword Percentage

Like we said keywords are the king of this jungle. But that does not mean that your juggle is going to be healthy if there are going to be a lot of kings in the jungle. Remember, a lot of kings always lead to problems. So, you need to be careful about the percentage of keywords you include in your content on your website as Google will start docking you or maybe block your pages if the percentage is too high. A healthy ration would be to maintain a ratio of around 1 to 2 percent and also go through google regulations regarding keywords carefully.

Address Schema

Local Address schema is a good way of getting yourself verified on Google. Adding a local address makes help Google know where your business is located and it also confirms your legitimacy.

AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Hermit Chawla is an MD at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Web Development Services. I would love to share thoughts on Real Estate Internet Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.
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5 Things To Know About IP Address Management Systems

Things To Know About IP Address Management Systems
To run any digital space and connect it to the internet, an internet protocol is required. Every internet protocol has a specific numerical code that can be used to triangulate its position. IPAM or IP Address Management is the process to keep track of and to maintain the flow of information associated with internet protocol.

The process is used to simplify digital handling for various businesses. It enables them to easily administer multiple tasks related to internet protocol, including DNS configuration. Without a proper IPAM system, companies run the risk of facing severe downtime caused by an unstable network array. IPAM is used to determine the space between addresses, router strengths, hosts, hardware, etc.

IP management does not come easy. It requires professional skill to be set-up and evaluate the existing IP of the company. To get Admin Login, Username & Password for your IP Address, use the given link. As it saves the company from making huge losses, IP management demands up-to-date features that provide the best for the company's IP. Two significant aspects that are supervised by a proper IP management system are security and network health.

A sound IP management system will quickly detect the misuse of data and firewall breaches in its internet protocol in terms of security. On the other hand, it enhances the connectivity and signals strength, making a company’s IP smoothly operable, lag-free, and less data consuming. By supervising these two major factors, an IP management system spares the company from long downtimes and huge losses.

Five Things To Know About IP Address Management Systems

1. Planning:

Every internet protocol requires the management of their IP addresses. Without proper management, a network can run out of IP address space very fast. To solve this problem, the IP management system was designed.

If one fails to track the precise address space of an internet protocol, it will lead to a deficiency in the internet protocol's scaling to stun the business from growth. Adding more IP addresses to the business helps it to grow freely, under the management system. Hence, for the adequate growth of a business, an IPAM is a must.

2. IPV6:

Since the digital boom of the 2000s, IP addresses have evolved drastically. They are now more stable, faster, and accurate than ever before. This was possible with the help of Ipv6. As Ipv4 was deemed outdated, the Ipv6 Showed a fast and steady growth among users. Ipv6 provides IP addresses in 128-bit, which is much more accurate than the 32-bit addresses provided by Ipv4.

An administrator may or may not remember an IP address provided by the Ipv4 system, whereas to manage an Ipv6 system, an IP management system is required. The IP management system not only provides precision but also ensures proper distribution and management of resources.

3. Obtaining information:

Network administrators need to distribute resources properly to each IP address available in their system. Without proper distribution of resources, there can be huge issues related to the network's scalability, causing downtime to the business.

With the help of an IP management system, an administrator can access the desired information about resources. This is one of the best ways for network administrators to send alerts and generate reports with the information desired about each resource. This is a major aspect of the IPAM that makes it a serious requirement for every corporate sector linked to the digital space.

4. Resources:

Every system, be it simple or complex, holds only a limited amount of IP resources. With such a limited amount of resources available to the system, an IP management system must manage these resources. This is where IPAMs step in. An IPAM can monitor, track, divert, and convert IP addresses, which in turn prevents the system from having IP conflicts.

IP conflicts cause serious confusion to the user making the network problematic and unworkable. By installing an IP management system, one can very easily manage the available resources. In other words, an IPAM makes a network stronger, secure, easy to maintain and arranged perfectly for usage.

5. Security:

When it comes to security, an IP management system is specially designed to keep a network secure, detect changes in the network, and keep a lookout for suspicious activity on the network, as well as the information it carries.

Protecting the network from outside threats is the most crucial role of an IPAM. Entry and management of logs, handling resources, protecting the network from external threats, and managing services linked to the digital space are all made easy with an IP management system.

Without an IP management system, a business is incomplete, stunned, and stands in the way of external threats. Another major role played by an IP management system is controlling all available online applications. With the help of network access controls, an IP management system can help a business maintain all applications linked to the internet and information contained within these applications.

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AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
John Ocampos can usually be found binging on random series on Prime. When not absorbed in the latest gut wrenching thriller, John loves experimenting with gadgets, sings very badly, enjoys loitering around the city, and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer. He lives in the Phillipines, with his brother and a cute turtle, Tomato.

Top 7 Programming Languages For Data Scientists To Learn

Programming Languages For Data Scientists
Data science is a field that makes use of algorithms, processes, scientific methods and systems to extract insights and knowledge from data whether structured or unstructured. When it comes to a programming language, it is considered like the superpower of any developer. In the past centuries, there wasn’t much data being produced but in this century, there is an unlimited amount of data being produced on a daily basis because internet technology has become common now. Hence, in order to survive in today’s competitive market; data scientists have no other option but to upgrade their skills so as to meet the industry’s demand. They should also acquire the super-power of programming languages.

Top 7 Programming Languages Data Scientists Must Learn

If data scientists learn the following 7 languages then they can generate a huge amount of opportunities for themselves. Being a data scientist, you already have mastery in your field but put some efforts to learn these languages and then you will see the difference yourself:

1. Python:

Python is a general language that can be used to build desktop and web applications. It is an amazing Programming language that provides and eases of use function. Because of this reason, Python language is widely used to develop complex applications based on heavy software.

Reasons why data scientists should learn the Python programming language:

Better Data Analytics Tools

Data analytics is actually one of the important features of Data Science. In assessing and evaluating the performance of any business, data analytics play a major role because they provide useful information about various matrices. In order to build data analytics tools, Python programming language is considered as the top of the list item.

Ease Of Use

One of the reasons that python has become the fast-growing language of the world is that it is easy to use. This language is much easier to learn as well as use. Data scientists can easily use Python for simplifying complex data sets and making it understandable.

Deep Learning Algorithms

Another reason to learn Python is that it helps data scientists to build deep learning algorithms and such algorithms are very effective for organizations in different ways. Actually, Deep learning algorithms create such networks that can evaluate the behaviour of the human brain. Hence such algorithms are useful for biasing input elements and for creating desired output.

High Flexibility

This programming language provides high flexibility to data scientists so they can work on any given problem and can solve it in a very short span of time. Hence, if you want to quickly, shortly and efficiently solve any problem then python is the best choice.

Worldwide Popularity

Python programming language is famous throughout the world and that means data scientists must learn this language. Once they will have learnt Python; many new doors of opportunities will be opened for them in their career.

Based on the above reasons, data scientists should not miss learning this language.

2. Structured Query Language (SQL):

SQL is a domain-specific language that can manage and retrieve data from a relational database management system. It is actually an open-source programming language and it is the foundation of the data science field. Every data scientist must learn Python because it will make it much easier to communicate with relational databases. The reasons why you should learn SPL is that it is helpful in the deep understanding of datasets, simple to learn, manages huge datasets, can easily integrate with scripting languages and most importantly, it brings new opportunities for data scientists in the data science field.

3. R:

Another powerful programming language is R and it is mainly used for statistical computing and data analysis. This language was developed in the 1990s and so far, much new advancement has been made to improve the user interface of R language. R has become a common programming tool for a data scientist in almost every industry from marketing to banking to insurance to pharmaceutical development. Actually, R and Python can pretty do the same tasks but for making a statistical analysis of the huge amount of data simple, R provides the following features:
  • Time-series analysis
  • Linear and non-linear modelling
  • easy extensibility to other programming languages
  • clustering
Those data scientists who have already learn Python will have no difficulty in learning the R language.


when it comes to MATLAB, it is being applied widely in a number of industries, for example, finance, industrial automation, energy and medical devices and its use is very common in the field of data science as well. This language is useful for mathematical operations-basically. MATLAB has rich ML libraries. Hence, this language offers capabilities for deep learning and it also provides end-to-end integrated workflow.

MATLAB programming language is even perfect for matrices calculation and no other language can compete for this one for this operation. Matrices are fundamentals of basic algebra and are widely used to describe many ML algorithms. Matrices fundamentals are also great for dealing with images and MATLAB is the best solution for matrices calculation. Some common reasons top use MATLAB are numerical integration, differential equations, statistics, filtering, Fourier analysis, optimization and linear algebra. All these operations are used in data science in some way. Hence, every data scientist must invest time in learning MATLAB programming. Not only it will bring ease for them in their field but it will bring new opportunities as well.

5. JAVA:

One of the oldest programming languages includes JAVA. Although it one of the oldest but it is still in use in the 21st century as well. There are many data science tools that are written in JAV for example, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, etc. In order to learn these tools, the data scientists must learn JAVA language. Its native scalability, big data frameworks and machine learning libraries allow for accessing huge amount of storage. Hence, JAVA is the most basic thing for data scientists to know. Actually, JAVA programming language is very effective for making application scaling much easier. Here are the top reasons why data scientists should learn JAVA:
  • great toolsets
  • Java is strongly typed
  • Java virtual machine
  • JVM has Scala
  • Java is fast
  • Scaling of applications
Go ahead, invest some time in learning JAVA and add up to your skills and opportunities in the field of data science.

6. Scala:

Scala is actually a multi-paradigm programming language that supports functional as well as object-oriented programming. It can work wonders for data scientists as data scientists can use this programming language in their field in many different ways. It is a high-level programing language and it is based on the JVM platform.

This language is simply perfect for dealing with a huge amount of data and it is because of the reason that it is considered as highly scalable. It is basically an extension of JAVA language and adds some more features in JAVA. Not only it is effective for anonymous functions but it is equally effective for high order functions as well. Hence, if data scientists learn Scala then it will serve as a positive step towards the success of their career.

The good thing about Scala programming language is that it is super easy to learn for those scientists who have already learned JAVA language.

7. Julia:

Whether you already know about Julia programming language or not, let me tell you that this language has also been found as the point of interest for data scientists. It is actually an open-source programming language that is highly efficient and intuitive. The reason why data scientists are showing great interest to learn Julia programming language is that it works faster than Python, R and many other programming languages. Hence, it makes things much easier and quicker for data scientists as they need to deal with a huge amount of data. This language was created in 2009 and in a very short span of time; it has earned such great fame in the world of programming.

Julia has a math-friendly syntax that makes it super simple for programmers and even for non-programmers to use math formulas without any complications and to make calculations within no time.

As Julia is super-fast and easy to use, so you must spend time to learn this language being a data scientist and believe me that you will enjoy its fruits later on in your data science career in many ways.


We on the behalf of GearWisdom tried to present top 5 programming languages for data scientists that may help them in different ways throughout their career. All these languages have their own individual benefits for example; these provide faster and better results as compared to other languages. The field of data science is changing day by day according to the changing trends in the technology and data scientists have to equip with the latest skills so as to survive in the industry. What you had learned during studies was just the basics of Data science but keep adding to that knowledge is important. Hence, you are recommended to learn either all of these languages or some of these languages.

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Confused About Android vs. iOS Development? Here's A Key Analysis

Confused About Android vs. iOS Development
If you are wondering where to start with coding in this year here is a guide to light up the path. If you wake up every day with the question, should I build iOS apps or opt for the Android way? Well, here is something to help make that decision easier for you.

Before we start, please note that there are a lot of pros and cons when it comes developing for Android or iOS but if you are a fan of building iOS apps or if you are passionate about learning about Android development then I am going to end this debate for you here.

You should just do what you like to work on because at the end of the day it all boils down to passion.

But this blog rather is more about the market game involved when it comes to building iOS apps or Android, either as your own enterprise, or working in an SAAS organization or doing it freelance. So, if you want to choose between the two you would want to keep reading:

iOS vs. Android Development

Here is the thing if you look at the numbers, iOS development and Android development roughly pay about the same amount but it’s a little bit more complicated than that.

When building iOS apps, developers tend to get paid a little bit more and the reason for that is the scarcity of iOS developers in the market and I think this is the key to understanding the entire argument.

At the same time though there are a lot more Android gigs out there, so if one looks at the volume that is the total amount being invested on iOS development and the total amount being spent on Android development, Android takes the cake.

Now, let’s dive a little deeper and take a gander on the biggest pros with developing for Android and iOS.

Advantages In Android Development

Some of the biggest pros when it comes to development for Android are:


In Android development one gets to use languages that are pretty much universal, with the most popular langue being Java and Kotlin. If we talk just about Java, this language being universal means that if you are working for a startup or a company that goes under, you can find a job in Java somewhere else.

Java is used from everything being it Android development to medical equipment to construction equipment, there is a ton of use for Java. If you lose your job then you will be able to find another job easily without the hassle of retraining the already possessed skill set.

This is the biggest pro when it comes to Android development, this is clearly evident as a lot of computer science degrees also teach Java because it is so widely used it’s not going to go away anytime soon.

In fact, there are legacy systems out there use C++ and C just because the organizations that use them have never bothered to update their software.

Job Stability

Not only Android is used for mobile such as the phone or the watch but there is a lot of other devices that use Android out there and they all need Android developers. So, if you want to opt for the Android way then there is a lot of work for you out there.

As there is so much demands, chances are that there are a lots of entry level jobs for Android and if lose a gig you will be able to find another quite easily.

Advantages In iOS Development

Here are some of the biggest pros for iOS development:

Less Developers

As we have touched upon the scarcity when it comes to the iOS development talent pool available, this can present one of the biggest pros if you look at it the right way.

Once, you develop the right iOS development skillset it has been observed that organizations and other development sources tend to hang on to their iOS developers more as compared to an Android developer.

The reason for this is that once these organizations have the right iOS developer with them they know iOS developers are hard to find, so they stick with what they have. Due to this reason iOS developers are always in a better position on the negotiation table.

The same principle applies for free-lance jobs as well. But in fact has double the impact because there is a lot of security risk involved when developers build iOS apps the free-lance way. Once trust is gained iOS development guarantees repeat or long term supplier relationships.

Wondering About Difficulty

If you want to learn Android or iOS one thing you will have to understand is that they are pretty much the same. You take about the same amount of time to master the both of them and they possess the same amount of difficulty level.

Sure, there are a few things that are harder to do in one platform when compared to the other but the fact remains that if you want to become a good Android developer or build iOS apps instead, basically you need to understand that with Android there comes a lot of extended learning but with Apple it’s all different but integrated effectively.

The iOS Ecosystem

In order to understand more about iOS development we need to take a look at the iOS ecosystem. It doesn’t matter if you’re running an informative digital marketing blog, an online retail store, or an established venture, iOS apps can be found in all the professional corporate domains for you to compete.

If a company wants to build iOS apps, which is generally where a lot of iOS development is done today they need to have competent skill set on their hands. If a company want to make money with iOS then chances are iOS is a good bet because iOS users are always paying a bit more.

If you are looking to get more app installs when you build iOS app development companies then you have to really understand the fact that it is going to cost more money per user and the thing about iOS development is that the cost per user is slightly higher as compared to Android but the user is more likely to pay.

Availability of Junior Positions

The other thing about iOS development is because there is less supply then there are a lot of junior positions open and since there are a lot of junior positions open there is a lot chance you can get an entry and take your development path forward from there.

Significant Updates

Another thing about the iOS ecosystem is that it updates quite a bit and one of the things that a lot of companies want to do is use the maximum amount of technology in their iOS app and that presents a great opportunity for you the developer to learn things as quickly as possible.

Every year iOS updates in a fairly significant way, the biggest example is the release of Swift 2 programming language which was a significant upgrade from its predecessor. This way Apple presents the developer a chance to learn new things and in turn have a good grip on how things work in iOS development.


Swift when it first came out the different between Swift1 and Swift2 was very dramatic but nowadays the language is a lot more stable and the user doesn’t have to learn as many new techniques as it was required in the past.

However, there is still a growth aspect attached when it comes to working with Swift as Apple is constantly coming out with a newer technology and as a developer you have to learn that technology.

The Problem with Android Development

Cheap Development

One of the negatives with Android is that because there are so many developers chances are that there is a developer somewhere in the world that can do a job and with more people working from home these days employers can find the cheapest price for the cheapest developer out there.

This means that if you are in a high wage country then perhaps you might end up being outsourced to a lower waged area. With the intense competition one really needs to be up on their Android game to earn and find more prosperous prospects in the market.

The Problem with iOS Development

Setup Cost

The biggest con with iOS development is that the prevalent Swift language can only be used mostly within the iOS or MacOS ecosystem. Because of the setting up cost it gets very difficult to justify the cost if the demand for iOS drops in the market.

Final Verdict

Learning development on either of the platforms takes the same amount of time but I think iOS slightly takes it from Android when it comes to the profit earned by development of iOS.

Entry in the Android industry is fairly easy but on the other hand there is a lot of competition amongst developers with the rather the same amount of skill.

iOS might be used by a smaller percentage of audience when compared to Android but the return on investment and the per hour cost of development is higher than those for Android development.

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AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Sami is a Digital Marketing Strategist at CMOLDS iOS apps development companies in the US. Having worked on multiple online brands throughout his career with an expertise in content marketing, email marketing, lead generation, and conversion rate optimization.

How To Cope With The Stress Of Building and Growing Your Business

How To Cope With The Stress Of Building Business
At a glance, working for yourself might seem like a dream come true. There is no one to boss you around, no one who can tell you what to do and try to manage your every step. You’re in charge, and you are the one who is responsible.

If this sounds like a trap, that’s because it is. The stress of starting and managing your own business, paired with keeping the company afloat and securing finances while trying to improve your products and services, can take its toll on your psychological well-being.

If left unattended, the stress of running your own business can lead to burnout, anxiety, depression, and even heart disease. But, fear not, as this article will guide you through some healthy ways you can combat the stress of being a business owner and help you reduce the harmful consequences of being an independent entrepreneur.

Accept That Multitasking Is A Myth

More and more studies prove that no one can multitask. All someone can do is quickly shift their attention from one task to the next. As a consequence, your result will be that you have exhausted yourself and your brain while trying to manage several things at a rapid pace. Moreover, none of these tasks will be done as well as it would be if you were to devote your undivided attention to it.

Because of this, you need to resist the urge to work on several different tasks non selectively. Instead, learn to prioritize your tasks. Make a list and gauge them based on their importance and urgency. Thus, you’ll be able to focus all your attention on the stuff that matters first.

One thing that can help you stay on the right track is taking some time each day to prepare a to-do list for the next day. Stick to the list, and don’t let anything distract you until all the items on the list are taken care of. Once the plan is complete, it’s OK to move on to the other things.

Establish Clear Work-Life Boundaries

Resisting the urge to give all you can to run your own business 24/7 can be challenging. After all, if you don’t tend to your job’s needs right away, there is no one to do it instead of you. Not only is that not a healthy way to run a business, but it’s also not even a healthy way to live.

Set up clear boundaries between your work life and your private life, even if your office is in the very same house where your significant other and your pets are. Instead, spend some quality time with your friends and family, and don’t forget to take some time during the day and devote it exclusively to yourself.

Mute your email notifications, stop taking work-related calls in the evening and do not use your phone for anything that involves your job after business hours. You need to learn how to leave your work and work-related troubles where they belong. That is, at your office. Doing so will eventually help you disconnect from work when needed and establish a better work-life balance.

Remember That You Deserve A Break

This piece of advice is directly related to the one mentioned above. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to take some actual time off.

Fist of all, taking some time off is beneficial for you since it enables you to decompress. Getting away from a stress-inducing environment can be all it takes to give you new ideas and a fresh outlook at the problems you might be facing at work. Second, experts have proven that taking a vacation improves life quality and brings professional success.

Lastly, you’ll come back from a vacation more energized, more creative, and ready to tackle new challenges life might throw your way. It’s worth it.

Be Aware Of The Things That Stress You Out

Sometimes, when you are on your daily grind, you don’t even have the time to properly process the things that put you under pressure and cause you discomfort. One effective way to deal with your stressors is by becoming aware of them.

Devote one week of work to noticing the things that bring you stress and writing them down. At the end of the week, see the info you have gathered and come up with a plan to deal with those stress triggers. If you feel overwhelmed, consider getting a career coach. Compared to the benefits it brings to your overall wellbeing and professional success, that is a small but valuable investment.

Celebrate The Success

It is quite bizarre, but we humans tend to judge ourselves much harsher than we do others. When you feel overcome with stress and anxiety, a perspective shift might help.

Ask yourself how you would treat a friend or a loved one if they came up to you, looking for advice on the same problem that you are currently facing. There is no doubt that you wouldn’t be as harsh on them as you are when judging yourself. Remember, be kind to yourself first.

Another similar trick is to think of one of your peers who seems to be much more successful than you and try to remember that they are human too. We all have our troubles and struggles. Just because the outside world cannot see that, it doesn’t mean we’re not hurting inside.

Don’t Neglect Your Body…

There is a saying that claims that sitting is the new smoking.

In practice, this means that our new way of life is too passive. While your mind is racing, your body is spending more than a third of each day stuck in an office chair. Lack of physical activity can lead to different forms of cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, and even some cancer forms. On the mental health front, it is associated with depression and anxiety. Clearly, it would be best for you to work on increasing your physical activity.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to spend three hours a day in the gym. Small changes can reap great benefits. Get a dog (or borrow one) and take it for a walk in the evening, or try to take a bike to work. Every little bit of physical activity helps, and together they accumulate to a much healthier lifestyle overall.

…Or Your Mind

Running a business involves lots of overthinking and obsessing over current problems, which can ruin your peace of mind. Meditation can be a great way to help you control the pessimistic thoughts and keep them in check, thus enabling you to be productive and focus your attention on the essential things.

Try to start each day with a relaxation method of your choice, be it meditation or yoga. Do whatever helps you start your day with a refreshed, clear mind, and positive energy that will guide you through the challenges of the day ahead of you. If you are feeling overwhelmed at work, perhaps give an app for guided meditation a try. While these are not as effective as a genuine meditation session, an app like that can help you relax enough to make it to the end of the workday.

AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Michael has been working in marketing for almost a decade and has worked with a huge range of clients, which has made him knowledgeable on many different subjects. He has recently rediscovered a passion for writing and hopes to make it a daily habit. You can read more of Michael's work at Qeedle.

6 Top Trends In Medical SEO

Top Trends In Medical SEO
SEO, or search engine optimization, is essential for any business to succeed online. In the vast world of search engine results, SEO is a set of practices that work to make your website or business rank higher and become more visible. True for any online business, medical SEO is becoming a critical component for healthcare providers looking to grow their business, attract more patients, and maintain a robust online presence.

What can’t you find online these days? With a simple Google search, you can find a new restaurant in town, build a new wardrobe, or even find a new doctor. Users know that the digital marketplace will have anything they need—which is why your medical website needs to be visible in search engine results. Back in the day, having the right real estate was vital for a business’s success. Now, however, this real estate has gone digital.

How important is SEO? Ranking on the first page of Google is incredibly valuable. Reports show that 94 percent of search query clicks land on Google’s first page. These websites on the first page reach countless more potential patients. Here, we look at the top trends in medical SEO to help your healthcare organization reach more patients.

1. Search Engine Intent

Primarily, SEO rankings used to be based on keywords and links. These metrics showed a website’s quality and usefulness for a search for Google and other search engines. However, as the internet has grown and evolved, so has Google’s search algorithm. The internet giant strives to make people’s search results as effective and precise as possible. Recently, determining a user’s search intent has become a critical factor in SEO and a site’s ranking. You’ll want to understand how your potential patients are searching online to better respond to these queries.

2. Local Search

If you have a smartphone (which is true for 3.5 billion people around the world), you’re also carrying around a portable GPS system. Your GPS is able to track your location through satellites and can do much more than provide driving directions. People are using their phones to perform local searches for almost anything—including healthcare providers. These types of searches can be even more valuable than a conventional search because they show intent. Just think—you’re probably not searching for “restaurants near me” unless you’re hungry. This holds true for people looking for a specific healthcare provider or doctor in their area.

3. Role Of Reviews

Conventionally, word of mouth has been one of the most effective ways for a business to grow and a reputation to develop. We trust our friends, families, and coworkers’ opinions, so it makes sense that their feedback is valued. For businesses online, this is exactly what reviews can do.

Positive reviews on your medical website can improve your search engine ranking—and the more reviews, the better. It doesn’t take much time, just a matter of minutes, for a patient to leave a review on your website and the impact can be substantial. Not only do online reviews help boost your ranking, but they can also help potential patients understand your practice on a more personal and detailed level. Consider asking patients to leave reviews or even offer some type of benefit for their time.

4. Voice Assistant

Alexa, can you find me a doctor? Many people are turning to voice assistant devices, such as Amazon Echo or Google Home, to fulfill their search queries. Whether asking about the weather, where to find those new shoes you’ve been after, or settling a debate, voice assistant devices can provide quick and accurate answers for users in real time.

To better design your content to respond to voice assistant devices, think about how people are using this technology. Similar to using a search engine, users are usually asking questions. Think about how your website can answer common questions for your medical field or practice. For example, people using voice assistant devices would be more interested in content that answers questions, like “what are the symptoms of coronavirus?” over content that simply defines the topic or issue.

5. Reputation

Reviews, of course, can go both ways. While positive reviews can bring credibility to your office, negative ones can leave a lasting impression and make potential patients hesitant to choose you. If someone does leave a negative review, it’s important to reach out and attempt to remedy the situation—often, these negative reviews come down to a simple misunderstanding.

In addition to reviews, you need to ensure that your overall brand reputation is solid and credible in the digital world. Since anyone can publish just about anything with the click of a button, a business’s reputation can easily be altered online—even when there’s no justification. An experienced digital marketing company can help maintain your brand reputation and even work to improve it via various online channels and tools.

6. Medical SEO Content

While the web is constantly evolving, some rules of the game remain the same. It’s important to stay on top of new SEO trends, but at the end of the day, content is still your most important asset. To rank well on Google and other search engines, you need consistent and high-quality content.

But what does this high-quality content look like? While quality will always be subjective to a degree, Google is looking for certain standards in web content, such as the length, organization, and authority of the content. For length, aim for your articles and blogs to be longer than 1,000 words—this tells Google that your content is comprehensive. It’s also beneficial to use headers, smaller paragraphs of texts, and lists and numbers to tell Google that your content is clear and well-organized.


It’s hard to deny the importance of search engines. From helping us learn about the world around us, find the products we love, and even locating the healthcare we need, this digital tool makes our lives easier and more convenient.

However, the sheer scale of the internet is a double-edged sword in that it can be difficult for a user to find exactly what they’re looking for. That’s why it’s essential to tailor your website and content to perform well on search engines. Healthcare is all about matching the right doctors to the right patients. By improving your medical SEO, you can reach more patients than ever before.

Quick Ways To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page

Quick Ways To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page
It’s no secret that organic reach on Facebook is getting smaller than ever, and now getting engagement on Facebook is more important than ever. Likes remain the most important on Facebook besides comments, but getting more likes on your Facebook Page can be easier said than done.

With so many other pages in our niche, how can we get our content noticed amidst all the noises? How can we consistently get likes and build organic engagements for our Page? Here are some tips you can use to get more likes on your Facebook Page that you can use right away.

Optimize Your About Section, Title, and Overall Profile

This one might seem obvious but often overlooked by many: you must optimize your Page’s About section as much as you can while maintaining information accuracy. Facebook’s algorithm naturally would recommend pages that provide more complete information over those with incomplete/shallow About sections.

So, how should we optimize this section?

The first principle is to fill out all fields with accurate and complete information, unless you absolutely can’t (i.e. if no information is available for a specific section, leave a “-” there).

Second, if you are familiar with the SEO tactics and strategies, then the same principle would apply here: you should include your target keyword(s) naturally throughout your About section. If, for example, you are a restaurant selling French cuisine, then you should try to mention phrases like “French restaurant” in your about section.

The objective? So when people type “French restaurant in X (your city”, you are going to appear on the top results. This is how you are going to bring more people to your page, which in turn will generate more likes for your page.

Also, don’t forget to optimize your Page’s Title and other areas of your profile page. Be creative and observant, and look for trending queries in your niche that you can include in your profile.

Content Is King

The best thing you can do to generate more likes on your Page is to share high-quality, relevant, and engaging content, period.

However, we all know it can be easier said than done.

The main principle is that your content should attract your target audience and is highly engaging. The more engagements (likes and comments) you’ll get, the more time this content is going to be recommended by Facebook to other people, which in turn, will produce more likes.

Your Page’s newsfeed will inform you about the number of visitors that engaged with your content, along with their consumption time. Use these insights to better understand your target audience’s preferences, and develop future content based on this data.

Another important factor is the uniqueness of the content. People are always on the look for something new, so do your research for what’s trending on your niche, and try to cover it from a unique angle.

While optimizing content to get more likes can be a pretty deep subject, here are some general tips to follow: 
  1. The better you understand your target audience, the better your content will be. Make sure to conduct enough market research and build relationships with your existing audience to gain more insights.
  2. Use all the different varieties of content you can share on Facebook: texts (both short and long), photos, press releases, and videos.
  3. Finding the right frequency of posting your content is pretty important. Don’t overwhelm your fans with too many posts, especially if they aren’t interesting and engaging.
  4. Embrace UGC (User Generated Content), and allow your fans to write on your wall. Many businesses disable this feature in fear of spams and hate comments, but this can be counterproductive in the long-run.
  5. Run giveaways and contests, but not too many of them. Be creative with your contests and align them with seasonal events like Halloween or Christmas to generate more engagements.

Make It Easy For People To Like Your Page

Getting these valuable engagements are already difficult enough, so don’t add to the difficulty.

First things first, make sure that your Page is visible to the public. While all Pages are public by default, you might want to check whether you’ve accidentally placed any age and country restrictions on your Page. Also, as we’ve discussed above, make sure that visitors are able to post on your Page.

Additional tips you can try include:
  • Add Facebook Like button or widget on your website
  • Promote the Facebook Page on your other social profiles
  • Add Facebook comment plugins on your website

Sometimes, however, all it takes to get more like is to ask for it. Facebook would occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to like your page, so use it to your advantage.

Post At The Right Time

In the past, the general rule of thumb is that the best time to post on Facebook is early afternoon on weekdays, but that’s no longer the case these days as the platform has dramatically evolved (including the existence of Instagram as part of Facebook’s ecosystem).

Nowadays, the best time to post would depend on your business itself and many other factors: the industry you are in, the location/timezone of your audience, and especially the behavior of your audience.

The best way to figure this out is to analyze your own Insights. Under the Post tab, you should see the data about when your fans are online for each day of the week. Use this information, try to find patterns, and don’t be afraid to do some trial and error.

Post More Videos

It’s no secret that video content gets all the engagements these days, and it’s also the same on Facebook. Videos now gain more reach and engagement, roughly double of other post formats on average.

The principle remains the same: make sure your videos are attractive and engaging. However, here are some general tips in using video content on Facebook:
  1. Square videos tend to perform better than standard landscape videos on Facebook in terms of views, reach, and likes. This is mainly due to how more people are consuming video content on mobile devices, and familiarity for Instagram’s square posts.
  2. Capture their attention as fast as possible. Make sure to use attractive thumbnails, and tease the video before its release with a post (you can release an actual trailer/teaser), but a short post can be effective. 
  3. Add captions to your videos. Most people watch videos on Facebook with sound off. You can quite easily upload an SRT file to your video. While Facebook does have its auto caption feature, it might not be 100% accurate, so better safe than sorry. Also, you can encourage people to tap for sound.
  4. Upload your videos natively. Videos uploaded onto Facebook have a 110% higher engagement rate and almost 500% higher share rate than videos with embedded links (including YouTube links). 

Engage and Respond To Your Audience

Remember that Facebook is by nature, a social platform, and you are supposed to be social. The purpose of a business Page is so that your fans can communicate with your brand directly whether via direct messages or comments. So, make sure to respond to these comments as soon as possible.

There are two main benefits of doing this that will help you in getting more likes:
  1. People are more likely to engage with Pages that often respond to previous comments, including (and especially) negative comments. This shows that you do care about your customers.
  2. This allows you to gather more insights about your target audience, which will allow you to create better content to attract your audience Work With Influencers

End Words

Content remains the most important factor in getting more likes on Facebook. The more your posts get shared, the more you will get likes. So, aiming to create shareable content is the basic principle of getting more likes. Uniqueness is key, so try to publish posts that no one else in your niche is posting. Use shareable images and attractive videos to improve engagement.

By following the tips we’ve shared above, you can quickly generate more likes to your Facebook Page, and grow your Page (and business) as a result.

AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Mike Khorev is an SEO consultant who helps SaaS, software, IT, technology, B2B and startup companies generate more sales and grow revenue online. He offers expert advice on marketing your company the right way through performance-based SEO, inbound marketing, conversion rate optimization, search engine marketing and many other online practices.