Blogging! one of the finest way to earn money online. It's 21st century and still lots of people especially the internet users aren't well aware about the blogging. If some people even know but not in deep about that. Some time ago, I didn't know also anything about the blogging. My friend, now he's a professional and passionate blogger, told me about that in 2013. I remember very well, I laughed a lot when he told me that how much I can earn money through blogging and how much I can get fame through it.
It's true anybody can make money from this way, but to do that hard work and dedication are required. No one can get success in blogging till, if there has no passion. If you think to start it then you must have a passion and dedication for it. Another important thing is also that if you start blogging then never think about money. Just focus on your work and keep continue your blogging with patience.
When anybody wanna enter in this world, then definitely he/she doesn't know about it. Don't know how to start it and what's important for that. I have seen many people so far, who did that mistakes in the start of blogging and faced trouble as time passes. So, if you are a new one for this world then must avoid from all those mistakes that I discussed below in detail. Today's this article, totally depends on my experience. Everything what I learned from my mistakes that's explaining there. I just want that you guys avoid from these mistakes, so that can be able to start a journey of successful blogging.
Mistake #1: Copy Paste Work
This is one of the most common that normally happens with newbies. Always remember, copy paste work will never give any benefit. You know what, by stealing someone's else content, if you think that you're doing your best blogging then you're the biggest fool. Yeah! it's true, by copying articles you may get benefits for temporary though but not forever. In short, copy paste work is very harmful for every newbie and it's also that thing which everyone tries for their benefits.
I also copied at the start like other newbies and faced lots of problems after doing it. So this is the most common mistake of newbies. Everyone should write his own articles because from this way all of us can increase our writing skills and knowledge too. Always remember, if you wanna rank your blog/site's links on search engine then never copy someone else articles.
Mistake #2: Don't Write Regular
Another common stuff is also that Newbies don't write regular. I saw many people especially newbies that they try to share anyone article again and again on Social sites. So that might be spamming. Try to write articles regular. If not possible for you then kindly update your blog 3 to 4 times in a week. I mean, write articles minimum 3 or 4 in 7 days and share them on Social Sites but not too much. Suppose, if you're sharing your links on more than 50 or 70 Facebook groups then people will definitely consider you as a spammer. Similarly, never share your links in more than 30 Google+ communities.
So, I think you got my point and maybe understand what I wanna say here. I know, it's very difficult to write articles at the start. But when you'll make a hobby to write then you'll be able to write your best as time passes. I again saying there, Blogging is not easy. First you definitely have to do work hard then can make money easily. Otherwise, if you're trying to apply fake ways, then can never get success there. Believe me!
Mistake #3: Write Useless & Unattractive Contents
Quality contents are very important, if you wanna grow your traffic. Unique and useful contents can get you success rapidly. First mistake that I discussed above about copy paste. So, when newbie leave this illegal work and wanna write his own articles then lots of mistakes that do, but don't know about that. I remember very well, when I wrote my first article then seriously whenever I read it now, so always laugh a lot. Because I didn't use keywords, useful important stuffs etc in it.
So, for a quality content, some important things are that must be there in every article. First important is article's length. Means number of words and keywords that relates to that article. If any article has almost 1000 words then it will consider as a good article. If has 1200 to 1500 words then it's very good but if has 2000 words then excellent. There have maximum possibilities for that article which have more words. So try to write quality content which have more words and keywords.
Select those topics which aren't available on the internet most and write on it with maximum keywords that's possible for you. After that try to use images in your articles that relate with your written article. At least use two images, if your article is about 700 words. Remember, never write less than 500 word's articles. Because in views of Google or other search engine, these types of articles are spamming.
Mistake #4: Worried About Template
I saw lots of newbies that always try to make a good looking template but never think about to write or grow audience. They think that by editing template or making good looking it visitors will increase. So, it's a stupid concept. I'm not saying here that don't set a good looking template for blog. Of course, make your blog more designable and attractive but not too much. Never use designable fonts on your blog especially for article body. Aerial, Helvetica like fonts are best for post body. So, simplicity is also best. Visitor never focus on your template much but contents quality is valuable for every visitor and this is one only thing which can increase your traffic and get you success more.