Creating awesome 3D animation videos requires more work than it seems. It can consume a lot of efforts from conceptualization to rendering the final video. This is the reason why most of the people prefer going with 3D animation video production company to get their 3D animated video created. It can take a week or even several months to create a visually stunning video that can appeal to the audience you think to target. Let us learn what it actually requires creating an awesome 3D animation video.
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You can create a 3D animation video about anything. But you need to create out-of-the-box concepts in the video to get an appreciation of people. Creativity has no limits. It is really important to keep your focus on exact messaging and uniqueness of video during the concept ideation process. You need to have a strong concept in order to make people stop by and look through the video.Storyboard & Animatic
Once you have finalized the concept, every scene should be broken into tentative images that can help you close the camera angles and screenplay. The 3d animation video makers need to close the exact motion of models. To serve the purpose, a rough mock-up called animatic can be tailored to showcase the motion of the animation in the storyboard.Modeling
3D modeling is the most time-consuming task to create the protagonist of the story. The higher the realism in the video, the more time it will require to develop. Most of the 3D animation ads are about the products and require the 3d models of the products. On most of the occasions, these 3D models are available with the advertisers themselves.For example: A smartphone 3D animation ad, smartphone company will have the 3D design of smartphone that is already available. Animators will help in building more internal parts of the products which can be shown via animation.
It is the concept of adding skin to draft the 3D model. With a precise texturing of each material, a 3D model can be made to look realistic. Texturing the glass or metallic products is easy as compared to texturing the natural products like fur, skin or human hair. It requires high rendering skills to texture the natural products.At this stage, the animator should get the approval and closure from the client regarding the look and feel of the model. Once rigging is completed, reworking on the model is extremely difficult or beyond the scope.
Rigging is the process of adding structure or bones to the model. The animator defines the way a product can move by adding the structure. Each one has a limited range of motion that is defined using a controller. The skin and muscles of the model react in a unique fashion corresponding to the product. The time its takes during rigging totally depends on the complexity of models and range of motion.Animation
The animation is the stage where the final rigged model is set into motion. The animators define the object’s camera angle and the style it moves. For every motion, multiple keyframes are added and the model moves according to the set frames. With realism in modeling and texturing, along with some creativity in animation, the animator is able to create interesting concepts that come to life.Lighting
To make model realistic and visible, lighting is done. A lighting expert can make the simplest animation look awesome. Texturing needs to be realistic. A glass textured with a perfectly lit spotlight can make the smartphone look elegant. The best example of nicely done lighting can be seen in retail outlets where each product in display is lit with the best lighting, making an impact on the viewers/customers.Rendering & VFX
Once the animator has completed all the animation and lighting, the entire animation is rendered. Rendering is the term used to create the animation based on pre-defined preset keyframes and lighting effects. Once the rendering is completed, the output animation file is given visual effects such as text overlays or special effects like light leaks.Music & Sound Effects
The final step of completing a 3D animation video is adding sound to it. It is really important to sync the music with the animation to make a real impact. A skilled animator will always ensure that high tone music is nicely synced with important keyframes in animation. Once the music or sound has been added to the animation, the video is ready for the final output.Final Output
After completing all of the above-mentioned steps, the final output is rendered. The animator shares it with the client for feedback. At this stage, the changes involving music, sound, special effect or animation can be done. The changes required in modeling and texturing would again consume a lot of time. It is suggested to close the modeling and texture part first before an animator proceed with next steps.This is how most of the 3D animation video agencies produce a 3D video. These 3D animation videos are very beneficial in B2B Marketing for product introduction and increase sales for any organization. Motion graphics elements, 3D Animations are fun projects to start with while not getting tired.