Emotional marketing helps marketers win in high competition, and get a user's affection on an emotional level. When a consumer decides on buying with heart, not with the mind, it means that you have created a meaningful, strong relationship with your clients, and you can keep them for a long time. In this article, we will list five main reasons why you should use the full force of emotions when developing a marketing strategy.
We Make Decisions Based On Emotions
Although most people now would begin to argue and assure that all their decisions, including decisions to buy something, are strictly rational and based on common sense, but studies stubbornly insist on the opposite.Initially, the effectiveness of emotional marketing was described by Al Reyes, Jack Trout and Paul Temporal in their book “22 Immutable Laws of Marketing”. Yes, it is believed that we live in a rational world, but this is far from the truth. We live in an emotional world. Emotions drive our behavior, and they drive the whole world. People are not interested in the characteristics of the product. They are interested to know if the product fits their personality.
The value of the product for the buyer determines all further steps. Therefore, emotional marketing is much more effective than rational, which concentrates on the characteristics of the product. To control the mind is good, but it is much better to win the heart. Use marketing strategies that will force a potential buyer to make decisions on an emotional level, and eliminate rational considerations that can lead a person away.
When developing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to decide which key emotion can form its core. The simplest example is the Apple brand, which allows its customers to feel their superiority, maintain their status and be in the circle of the elect. The main emotion is pride.
It is also effective to capitalize on the feeling of fear. For example, such essay writing services as Grabmyessay, Studicus, and BestEssayEducation use the common fears of students. These companies know that students are afraid of the possibility of not coping with their academic papers writing, and this may lead to being flunked out of college. And use this fear to make students order their essays, and consequently, be calm and confident.
People Share Advertising If It Touches Their Feelings
This is viral marketing. So even without a special budget, you can promote your product - provided that you make advertising quality and do not repel potential target audiences. For example, an emotion such as compassion and stubbornness has great potential for turning content into viral and increasing customer loyalty.“Traditional advertising is detached from their real needs, so it cannot evoke the emotional response that creates the intention to buy,” explains Marie Fincher, Head of Content at TrustMyPaper and Studicus.
Resonant stories about events affecting the heart and soul become viral in a few hours. For example, do you remember the story of how a veterinarian saved a newborn baby in the same way that premature puppies are saved? From the side, it looked very cruel, but the child had every chance to die if he waited for the doctors “for humans”. Studies show that the production of content that causes anger, anxiety, condemnation, or, conversely, pride, leads to its rapid distribution, and therefore attracts the attention of the audience.
Emotional Marketing Creates A Strong First Impression
The wise of this world convince not to give in to the first impression since it is imperfect and does not reflect the essence of things. However, when it comes to shopping, very often, as we have said, a rational approach goes into the background. The effect of the first impression is the influence of the opinion that was formed in a person in the first minutes, on the further evaluation of the object. It is interesting that the first impression can be formed intentionally or involuntarily and depends to a large extent on the personal characteristics of the person himself.
The first impression is made based on assessment: a person decides that it is “good or bad”, “useful or harmful”, “beautiful or ugly”, “good or evil”, etc. And here the most important role is played by stereotypes: based on experience a person already has certain ideas (for example, about what a hotel should be, how employees should communicate with guests). If the guest’s positive expectations are met, satisfaction begins to take shape. But if at the same time the guest gets a little more - what was unexpected, a pleasant surprise, the satisfaction does not just increase, but also lays the foundation for further loyalty.
This Is An Opportunity To Stand Out From The Competition
A marketing strategy that focuses on consumers' emotions can turn a nameless and faceless business into a brand that users will love. This can work even for those enterprises that do not offer something unique and generally have little difference from many competitors.The most effective way is to demonstrate that your brand makes someone's life better. For example, Pandora (jewelry) positions itself as a company for important events in life, and the new Lysol advertising campaign “Protect Like a Mother” compares the maternal instinct of wild animals, which instinctively protect their children from something with the action of their product.
And One More Way to Reach Different Target Audiences with the Help of Emotions
Using emotional marketing based on understanding how people from different cultures interpret their emotions can allow companies to successfully conquer new markets. For example, Americans are very sentimental, so emotional marketing techniques used in advertisements, touchingly depicting people hugging and kissing, have a good effect on this audience.
When some American companies started to show these same advertisements in Asia without adapting to the local culture, they simply puzzled more pragmatic Asian buyers: “What are they hugging? What do they want to say? Better if they said what product or service they sell and what is the price."
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