Search Engine Optimization has been a rather substantial discipline when it comes to doing business online.
Proper practices in this have led to a lot of business opportunities for enterprises around the world. With the obvious benefit of super-low performance costs, everyone can do this, and they do.
The challenge here comes from the dynamic nature of search engines, Google for the most part.
Every other day, SEO strategists are monitoring and trying to adapt to changes in the algorithm. And with that, they’re having to modify and adapt their strategies. Add to that the super high level of competition that there is.
One has to make the best of every advantage that presents itself, top stay on top.
The latest in this is ASO, an acronym for App Store Optimization, which is very important as you’ll see here. And after going through this article, you’ll have an idea of how you can leverage on ASO.
As if you get this right, it’s going to pay dividends for your SEO endeavors.
App Packs And Its Role In Today’s SEO Practices
Let’s start by discussing a bit about the App Packs.When you search for something on Google, and your query happens to have any of the head-terms relevant to apps, (mind you that all of this is for mobile search only, and not desktops or laptops) in the SERPs, you’re going to see a list of 3 or maybe 6 apps.
That’s going to include the app name, number of downloads, rating, and information on whether it’s paid or free. If there are a lot of apps, then you’ll be seeing an arrow for extending the section.
Now, these are all Google’s suggestions and that’s what you’re to do all the optimizations for.
The main idea behind this is that, if you’ve got an app on the store, performance of that is going to matter and the better it is, the more visibility it’s going to enjoy.
One thing you’ll have to be cognizant of is that most people use the search engine to look for apps. Lesser number of users go to the app store directly. So this is a great spot for the competition. And naturally, there are rewards in terms of business gain.
You’ll need to carry out App Store Optimization, with principles resembling that of SEO. Let’s look into it up next.
4 Best ASO Practices To Make Your Mobile App Stand Out
Here, you’ll be learning about 4 different ways in which you’ll be able to rank your app upfront. Let’s dive right into it.Thorough Keyword Research
The process is going to follow a build-up protocol and the first step in that will be the keywords.Pick the right keywords and you’ll be on the right track with this. Otherwise, most of your efforts aren’t going to amount to anything.
Remember the head-terms regarding the apps that I had mentioned previously. That’s one part of it, where if you have to, include terms indicative of mobile phone applications. Then they’re going to show up easily on the SERPs for those queries and related ones.
There are fantastic data tools that you can use to carry out the research. And you’ll be able to streamline the process in that way quite a bit.
Then, another source of great keywords is the description sections of all your competitor apps.
You’ll be getting an entire goldmine of keyword ideas once you start analyzing that meticulously. It’s also a great way to get keyword ideas if you can’t afford the tools as of now.
As for screening in between the keywords that you’ve researched, try and target all those keywords which have medium to low competitiveness. Those are going to be the ideal ones to optimize for and it’ll get you maximum benefits.
So, after you’re done with keyword research the following step comes up.
Write The Most Compelling App Description
The Description section of the app is where the users are going to find out about the app. So you better spend some good time and attention to provide as many details as you can.And you’ll have to plug the keywords in smartly as that’s going to matter quite a bit.
As a general ‘rule of thumb’, try adding words like apps, games and the likes wherever possible. That’s going to help the crawlers decipher things better, and the viewers will catch a glimpse of what your app is about.
Search from the app store won’t involve words like this. But as far as the same for the search engines go, there are going to be such words within the queries.
Build Quality Backlinks And Get Lots Of App Installs
If you know the whole deal with search engine optimization, you’ll know about the role that high-quality contextual backlinks are going to play.The same goes for app store optimization, and you’ll have to build great backlinks for this as well.
If you’re already up and running with the website, then things are going to be a bit easier for you. As you can use the SEO momentum that you’ve created with that, to promote your app further.
With content, you’ll be able to build those high-quality backlinks and have a better presentation overall. You can also put the word out for your app, right from the front of your website. The traffic that you’re already getting is going to help a lot with that.
Again, you can use all that traffic to push for app downloads from the app stores. The more installs that your app has, the more visibility it’s going to get. As the search engine is automatically going to count those big numbers in favor of the app.
Look To Get The Best Ratings And Reviews
The app is there to serve a purpose, of helping or entertaining people in one way or the other.The better the job it does, the smoother it is. People are going to want to express that, and the reviews section is just where they can do it.
To make things a bit further, you can also set up reminders for the users of your app. So that they can post their valuable reviews and ratings to the app store.
And these things are of immense value for SEO.
The principle for this is the same as that of testimonials in marketing. Where more than any marketing material that you might present will pale in front of word from other customers.
The level of trust is just so much more with the latter.
So you have here the 4 most important things you can do for ASO. And getting the best out of the App Packs feature will require an intelligent crossover between SEO and ASO.
Then it’s going to be all glory for your mobile phone application.
To Wrap Things Up
All of this that we’ve just discussed has become as significant as it is due to the mobile search supremacy.And since it’s mobile apps that we’re discussing, the actions to take are going to be for nothing but mobile.
If you’re planning on creating a new mobile app to provide a certain service, then putting a focus on this is going to give you the ideal head start.
To that end, this isn’t only going to be good for just your app. But will be great overall for all of the digital business assets that you have.
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