Whenever you launch a new website into the internet space, one key strategy that tops your agenda is Search Engine Optimization; abbreviated as SEO. This refers to the techniques employed by webmasters to make it to the number one page of organic search engine results. Many SEO tricks have been pointed out as the way to go over the years but one consistent trend that every modern website owner must employ is installing an SSL certificate.
SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It’s a package of data that encrypts the information being exchanged between a web server and a user browser. It makes use of cryptographic keys such that only the sender and intended recipient can be able to access the information being exchanged. When a website has an SSL certificate installed, it changes from HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) to HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure). A padlock will also be showcased at the left corner of the URL and the whole bar might in some cases turn to green depending on the level of SSL certificate acquired.
To highlight the importance of having SSL certificates installed in websites and its unwavering commitment to internet security; Google in 2014 launched an HTTPS Everywhere Initiative that promised to give an upper hand in search engine ranking to SSL-secured websites. It added more wood to the fire 3 years later in 2017 when it rolled out a plan to label all HTTP sites as non-secure. This now means that if you are yet to acquire an SSL certificate for your website, all major browsers will flag you as Not Secure and trust me all your prospective website visitors will scatter like a plague upon seeing this warning.
Key Benefits of SSL Certificates on SEO
1. Earns You Credibility Online
We are living in heated times filled with rampant cybersecurity threats that strike even the most advanced of websites; ranging from financial and medical institutions to Fortune 500 companies and sensitive government sites. This increase in cyber fraud has led many internet users to be very wary of any website they visit and provide sensitive personally identifiable information like credit card details to. When you acquire a high-quality SSL certificate like an Extended Validation one, you go through rigorous authentication processes from the issuing certificate authority to ascertain that you are indeed who you say you are.Once an EV SSL certificate is installed on your website, it will have a green URL bar and even indicate your company name and address. This way the prospective client can prove that it is indeed you. This sort of credibility will make you a favorite for many online users soaring you to the top of search engines as well as getting you in the good books of Google and other search engines.
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