Online games are the best, playing at your convenience whenever you need to. Online games are famous among people of all age groups. It has taken the whole world and have set a trend of usage of their free times in playing these online games. A person child or adult should know the types of games they play online and must have a knowledge enough to get to know their own likings.
Here we are with another great article for you that will certainly make you learn a lot about these online games. Types are described as under:
Board Games
These are the most famous games among all. They are the same as we play in life, just a little exaggerated with animations and illustrations. Traditional board games such as Chess, monopoly, LUDO etc. are some examples of the famous games available online to play. These games are just usual indoor games that we love playing while comfy in out houses with no age restrictions at all.Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Ever got that nasty FB sponsored ads of War craft wizards or The Clash of Titans well they are multiplayer games online and are the most popular games among all especially common among android users. They make high profits to the owners of the games, that’s for sure but also keeps the consistency of providing you the unlimited levels of there journeys and whatever the story is about. They certainly do provide the users and in many cases subscribers (since some maybe paid) with loads of adventurous scenarios and thrill that will satisfy your nasty mood.First Person Shooter Games
Ever been to a CS server room play? Well, if you haven’t let me tell you real quick. These games give you the real time scenarios of you live holding a gun or weapon of some kind and you actually fight for your survival or what so ever is the object. In the case of Counter Strike (The most popular ever) you actually use a server to make teams based on real people and have a shoot out on a scene set somewhere in a terrorist situation field. Some other examples include Halo and WARFACE. Most probably you will be a soldier and shooting your opponents with loads of Ammo (talk about taking all day frustration off your chest while shooting some bad guys).Arcade Games
Well that sounds familiar, right? Since childhood you must have been going to arcade to play games of all sorts with characters that looked mostly like LEGO created people. These arcade games actually don’t have very serious adventure bases. They mostly base on objectives and just unlocking more and more unlimited levels to complete. These games include the famous Mario Run and Bounce. In Mario the man just literally goes around different levels avoiding obstacles on its way, same as for bounce in which you gave to keep the ball from busting up.
Casino Games
Got some extra cash? Casino too expensive for you? Well here is the right solution for you. There are countless games online based on Casino settings and games to gamble even with a single penny or cent so you can enjoy a fun gaming online. You’ll be surprised to hear that people actually win here too. And it saves you the hectic of going to a Casino to gamble. It involves real money transactions and real prizes and bonuses. But beware, try to check out for the best games out and popular ones most of them could be just scams too. WE won’t give you any suggestions on this, since its hard to see through these ones.Sports Games
So, don’t want to go play outside some Football in the sunshine? or too tired to play basketball? Well, don’t worry you can go through some awesome sports games that are available online same as the first person shooting games. You can actually play leagues online by building up online teams and playing virtual sports. NBA league is available online as a game with even popular player characters. You can even depict their favorite moves and cover up many levels of excitement, except that these games aren’t healthy as we play in real lives. FIFA releases its latest league playing games now and then.Shooting Games
Caught up a lot of frustration? Well get it out here. These games are mostly ‘aim the target and fire’ games and usually gives load of weapon choices. This could be target practices or can be a scenario target shooting on a field, depending on the nature of the game. This type of thrill and action actually tests gamers ability to target using your computer mouse keyboard or a smart phone. These types of games are popular too and mostly have levels to approach your desired shooting weapons.More:
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