Much has been said about driving customers or traffic to your eCommerce website, however, design tops all the tactics in a marketing strategy, which is why it is prudent to think about and evaluate what should and should not go into your Ecommerce Website Design. If you’re looking for inspiration, the best source to reach for is BigCommerce as their key element is their attention to detail and accessibility that is designed to turn leads into conversions. Therefore, this is the right time to work on eCommerce solutions for small business.
A clean And Organized Design:
Imagine shopping online, and you see products arranged randomly in an aimless manner. Would you consider buying from that site again in the future? No isn’t it? Similarly, you’d have to think and plan your customer’s overall experience and organize products into specific categories so that customers can easily find what they are looking for. This is more important during festive seasons or on a big sale, you might have to organize and arrange the products based on the offer, discount etc.Easy To Navigate:
A large part of good design and great content lies in the navigation. When your customers are able to navigate from one page to the next and find what they are looking for creates a great shopping or information searching experience for them. If your websites are one of those with a mishmash design, this might be a good place to start organizing the main menu and other pages. One clever option is to go for a drop-down menu instead of a mega menu as you can minimize the number of links or pages your customers open. Explore different kinds of menus from the drop-down to fly-out and find the approach that suits you best.Be Easily Accessible:
When your website says “We are just a click or call away”, and there’s a huge waiting time to reach your customer support, it creates conflict in your customer’s mind. To avoid this, make it easy for them to get in touch with you so that you don’t end up losing your consumer base.Add Clear Customer Reviews And Ratings:
Did you know that 61% of customers read online reviews and consider them as recommendations made by friends or family? Online authentic reviews and ratings also go a long way in boosting your sales and SEO rank. Therefore, if you’ve been adding reviews just because everyone is doing so think again, it may just be the right time to cleverly use online reviews as your top marketing strategy and performance metric.A Strong Search Bar Is A Must-Have:
Most customers are in a hurry to buy a product they already have in mind or to just look if it’s available or not. A strong search bar is must to invest in and also ensure that it is easily visible.High-Quality Images Can Never Let You Down:
With the inception of Instagram, we see how powerful clear and crisp images can be in the online digital world. And, if you’re running an eCommerce website, this is all the more important. High-quality images have a way of easily capturing people’s attention and holding it unlike any other form of content. In today’s world of limited attention, using high-quality images can get you the right attention contributing to a sale or a subscription and inherently boosting the SEO.Easy To Check-Out Process:
A long check out process saps our interest to go any further just like a long queue in a supermarket does. In fact, the whole point of eCommerce is to have an easy and fast shopping experience and the checkout process is the crux of this whole experience. If done right, it can do wonders for your website’s conversion rates.
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