Adobe Flash Player is important for browse videos and quality images. Almost, everyone tries to use it and install its extension in the internet browser. But you know? It is also the most important thing for every Hacker. Yes! it's easy to hack any device where Adobe Flash Player is installed. Simply, You can say that Hackers always try to hack those devices first where Adobe Flash Player is installed. There are many reasons behind this important issue, but I don't wanna discuss about it here.
Basically, my aim to publish this article is only that you should know, now Adobe Flash Player has become quite risky. As I said already above that where Adobe Flash Player is installed so that devices are not protected. If Adobe Flash Player is install in your device only then don't worry. But the extension is installed in your browser then you should do uninstall or disable to be safe in future attacks. So, if you wanna disable it then follow below procedure perfectly. Here's how you can uninstall or disable it from your web browser.
1. In Google Chrome
Around 50 to 60% users definitely use chrome as default. I hope, you're in one of them who have Chrome and of course Flash Player is also installed in your browser. If yes! then follow the steps to disable it from your Google Chrome. To disable it, put the URLchrome://plugins
in the address bar and press Enter.After that, your all installed plugins will be shown. Here, find Adobe Flash Player and then click on 'Disable' to uninstall it. Now you've successfully uninstalled. Just restart your browser and check again your plugins.
2. In Mozilla Firefox
We all know that Mozilla Firefox is best after the Chrome. Low spec users use this as their default web browser. Because it doesn't reserve too much memory of Ram like Chrome. So, if you've low-end PC and also wanna run your computer smoothly while using the internet then Firefox is the best for you. Well! here I'm talking about the disable of Adobe Flash Player. To disable Flash Player in Firefox, go to the menu and click on 'Addons'. You can go also directly by putting this URLabout:addons
in the address bar.Once you've entered then go to the 'Plugins' that will be showing at the left of the options.
After that, plugins page will be opened. Here, find 'Shockwave Flash' and select the 'Never Activate' option from the drop-down menu. That's it!
3. In Opera
One of the third most used browser 'Opera'. It's also a light and low memory reserved browser like Firefox. I also recommend this browser for those who have low end or low spec computer. Because it's fast, simple and quick in run. Well! to disable flash player in opera, go to the 'Setting'.After that when you have entered in Setting page then an option 'Websites' will be showing with more other option at the left of this page. So, open it or click on it.
Now find 'Manage individual plugins' that will be showing under the 'Plug-ins'.
When you'll click on 'Manage individual plugins', a next page will open. Here find 'Adobe Flash Player' and click on 'Disable'. That's it!
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