Alright, let's first get to know what SEO exactly is?
First off, SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is an operation that looks after the growth and development of a website or a webpage, like how visible are these sites or pages according to their content with respect to the search engines.
In simple terms, SEO helps our content to reach the readers or customers according to their requirements.
Now, How Does SEO Do That?
Well, it's not that difficult to understand, it has various tactics, one of which is targeting the various searches of people, basically what a reader is looking for, whether he's looking for written content or some images or videos, etc. It varies from time to time.
This was just the one there are many such ways in which it helps the content makers to make their work visible.
The working of SEO always considers the factors of search engines. It keeps in mind how and what influences the visitors of the respective search engines and keeps up with the latest news updates.
So, the content creators use this to help their website or webpage grow by enhancing their ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Page), eventually attracting more visitors.
Well, now that we know what SEO is and how it works let's get into the methods on how to raise the value.
7 Ways To Ensure That Your Content Has SEO Value
1. Keyword Research
Target such keywords which have really low competition.Try finding keywords that have a maximum of 5% of competition as it’s not that easy to rank up in the search engine results.
You will find a lot of keywords having low competition and have mass volume. Include such keywords that have search volume above 1500 and competition up to 5% and if you are a fresher don't care about the cost, first make quality content and gain some traffic.
You will get organic traffic without any tricks, just by using a perfect keyword for your content.
Keep your keywords as realistic as you can. Make the content naturally presentable. Keeping keywords will help your content to rank. Such basics steps can rank your website.
2. Content Writing
Content writing is one of the most important keys to rank your website.Use more paragraphs to increase the readability of your content, writing short paragraphs will increase the SEO value of your content. Make sure you give proper spacing between each word.
Correct use of comma and a full stop is also really important. Make your content as good as you can. Present it in such a way that people would want to read more or they like your writing style.
Keep your writing skills uptight, use the correct vocabulary, while writing in English or any other language make sure you are well versed with the grammar and punctuation. For English just recall what we learned in school, everything that our grammar teacher taught us!
3. Structure Of Content
Build your content in such a way that readers are engaged right until the end of the article.Engaging your audience, that wants you to want for your website. Have a proper flow, don't pitch in between or start your article directly at a high pitch.
Your article should go from low to high to make it readable, good to understand, and clean. Your article should have a proper base; representation should be in such a way that by reading it people should get a rough idea of what you want to say and make it more interesting, so your engagement increases.
4. Catchy Titles
Use catchy titles to increase SEO value. Try using such terms that should have your primary keywords. Try forming such innovative titles and do research about it, this will help to gain more organic traffic.Titles are the one what people search for. Use the proper title, heading 1 and heading 2. These will boost your content. The use of proper titles and heading will make your article more clean, formal, and readable.
5. Optimize Images
Using relatable images, videos and GIFs will make your article more attractive and reader-friendly.But, just putting images and videos is not enough.
The proper size of the image is required to render your page efficiently. Using high-quality images is good but the size matters a lot. The huge size will slow down your page and will make it non- mobile-friendly.
Use images under the size of 40kb. It will render your page and will increase the refresh rate.
Apart from images, using high- quality video will make your website super slow, try to have short videos (not GIFs ).
If the length of the video is more, put your thumbnail and insert a link in the alt title of that image, so when the reader will click that image it will redirect to the video.
6. Article Length
Article length is never defined, how much you have to write is never mentioned, you just have the topic to be written on. But, article length plays an important role in the SEO of your content.According to the latest news, long and huge articles are getting less traffic. So while writing, one should have a limit. This will make the article more user friendly. Try to put as much information in your article according to its length requirement.
Short articles render fast but having a perfect length and will engage your audience to read more..
7. Visual Approach
The visual approach is sometimes neglected, but it is also one of the factors that matter in your content.Try to make your page as interactive as possible. Use appropriate media, as there are different types of viewers and it's the job of the content makers to keep them from getting bored.
Making the page visually attractive can help get the ranking up and that's what we're looking for.
So, this is how SEO value plays an important role in ranking your website on search engines.
Make sure you consider the above points and it will help you attract more audiences.
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