The Past, The Present And The Future of Lenovo’s YOGA Lineup

The Past, The Present And The Future of Lenovo’s YOGA Lineup
Ever since the arrival of the first laptops, back in the 70s, these neat devices were virtually undisputed in the field of mobile computing. Well, at least until the time tablet computers entered the arena and completely changed the way we think about mobile devices. Still, no matter how neat and streamlined they were, tablets simply were neither powerful, nor productive enough to fully replace our good old reliable laptops. Hence the need for some kind of device that will marry the best of both worlds and offer their users uncompromised experience.

The Rise Of Hybrid Laptops

The answer to those hopeful wishes came in the form of hybrid laptops which took the best qualities both from laptops and tablet computers and united them in one device. Essentially, they adapt to the most convenient way of use, depending on your current situation. If you are in the public transport, fold the keyboard behind the touchscreen and use the device as a tablet. Once you are home, fold the keyboard other way and you will get a laptop. Obviously, hybrid laptops had much success, but they fragmented the mobile device market even further. Is it then Lenovo’s YOGA lineup fit enough to reunite all of these different options under the Chinese rule?

The History Of YOGA Lineup

Lenovo gained quite a reputation as a laptop manufacturer, and trough the number of smart acquisitions (IBM 2005, and Motorola in 2014), and few gimmicky moves (naming Ashton Kutcher a product engineer), they captured the hearts and souls of huge number of mobile users (they sport third place on the global list of smartphone manufacturers). It seems that their venture into the world of Windows will be another homerun. Ever since their first stab at Microsoft’s ecosystem with YOGA 11, and YOGA 13, Lenovo gained much praise and public attention, and as soon as they dropped the ill-advised Windows RT, and expanded their portfolio with full-blown Windows 8.1-powered IdeaPad YOGA 2, and the YOGA 3 Pro, the Yoga Branding became the force to be reckoned with.

YOGA 700 And YOGA 900

It should have been obvious to anyone that exciting new development within Microsoft which gave birth to Windows 10 would be accompanied with equally as exciting Lenovo devices. And truly YOGA 900 and YOGA 700, which just saw the light of day, are both powerful, and elegant. Featuring the usual quality we came to expect from Lenovo parts, 900 is ran by powerful Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM, and comes with 13 inch screen (3,200x1,800), and 256GB of SSD storage. The only thing preventing it from becoming the best-seller it deserved to be was, however, its price. Its younger brother, 700, is not willing to make the same mistake, and truly 2-inch smaller screen and somewhat weaker components, are more than justified compromise for the price cut of $400. We have yet to see how well it will perform on the market but, so far, the odds are looking.

These Are The Droids You Are Looking For

Keeping all of this in mind it should be pointed that Lenovo is not battling only on the Microsoft’s turf. The Chromebook alternatives of the previously mentioned devices are playing to the wishes of the Google audience, and with Yoga Tab 3, and Yoga Tab 3 Pro, Lenovo made its footprint on the Android tablet niche as well. It should be mentioned that heir predecessor Yoga Tablet Pro 2 which came with in-built video projector, actually introduced something new on this saturated market.

With the things as they are, it easy to see Lenovo continuing their string of success with further iterations of their successful YOGA lineup. Covering all the relevant niches of the vast mobile device market, and bringing together the best of Chinese and US business models, YOGA brand will soon be observed as Galaxy or anything Apple has to offer.

AUTHOR_NAMEAbout the Author:
Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in technology, gadgets and games. In her free time she enjoys reading latest IT news.

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