If you are keen to convert JPG into MS word file, you can find a number of ways of doing it. This job is no more a difficult one to accomplish, which can be done in several ways following a couple of simple and user-friendly steps. The basic reason of converting the same is to simply add any JPG image inside the word document or simply to convert any text document, which is saved into JPG format to the word format. Owing to the JPG format using the standard called Loss Compression, the number of text, which can be easily recovered, would simply depend upon the size of the image and the quality of the quality scan. If these factors are favourable, the following two methods can be used to get the best JPG to word conversion. Let’s check them out:
Using OCR Software
One of the basic methods to convert JPG into word file comes via the OCR or optical character recognition software, which has improved a lot in the past few years. If you have the urge of converting the same file then OCR can really help you in reducing the amount of work required to retype documentation, which you do not find in the word to text formats. This software can be even found over the OCR portals, which can help in converting the images up to 15 without incurring any charge. Now, let’s check the steps with this option:You can have your copy of the JPEG to Word Converter from following the link: JPG to Word Converter
There are six steps of doing the needful. In the first step, you need to launch any web browser of your choice found in your PC by simply doing a double click in the program list or the icon over your desktop. In the second step, you are required to navigate the web browser over the Online OCR portal. In the next step, you are required to choose the particular file you are keen to convert into word file from JPG via the menu button and with the help of file chooser. Now click the button upload from the menu button seen over the web page in the next step followed by changing the output format into the required MS word or document format if you fail to select the same. In the last step, you need to click the option called recognise from the menu button in order to complete the JPG file into word format.
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