A technological revolution occurred on May 26, 1927, when John Logie Baird publicly demonstrated TV over the telephone network of GPO. The signal during this time traveled more than four hundred miles all the way from London to Central Hotel in Glasgow train station. It was the first long distance transmission of pictures in the world. The first transAtlantic transmission of TV pictures occurred between New York and London by the Baird Television Development Company (BTDC) in the year 1928. An anonymous donor saved a record of the transmission and sold it to the private collectors in 2015. It has been over nine decades since Baird changed lives with his innovation and TV has come a long way from its earlier CRT models to the present era of LEDs and OLEDs with more innovations expected in future.
The best-LED TV online in India has been revolutionizing the TV viewing experience for the longest time. It has evolved and bettered itself over the course of the last decade. Here’s taking a brief look on how the LED television industry evolved over the last ten years.
The LCD TVs And Plasma
It was in 2007 when the sale of the slim and versatile LCD units took over the sales of the CRT sets. The immediate advantage that the LCDs had over CRT was that it was light and wall mountable along with bigger screens. However, people were still not able to give up on CRTs as there were only two existing choices in flat-panel technologies: plasma or LCD.The LCD panels contained a backlight that was made from the CCFL lamps while the plasma screens had thousands of cells between the glass panels. The plasma TVs had an advantage over the LCDs in the fact that they had superior contrast and black levels along with high refresh rate and better view angles. However, the LCDs were more energy efficient. There was a drop in the price of the LCD sets when they were surpassed in popularity by the LED sets. In 2014, manufacturers like Panasonic discontinued making the plasma sets.
The Digital Television
The launch of digital TV in the United Kingdom changed the way people view TV and it was one of the most crucial recent tech development. By the end of the year 2012, the country made the switch from analog to digital. The upgradation of 1,154 transmitter sites led to the switching off of the analog signals and the delivery of digital signals to over 26 million people.The viewer either needed to have a digital box or retune their present free-view set. After years of being stuck with only five channels, this was the first time viewers got a glimpse of the multichannel experience. It also brought other benefits like improved hard drive records, digital radio, and subtitles.

Source: TechInfographic
The High Definition TV
The HD TV offered five times of the resolution of the standard definition and this technology immensely benefitted the LED TV. The high-resolution picture was sharp and had more lines, colors, and details. The broadcasts of HD TV started in 2006 and now you get over dozens of free and subscription-based HD channels. All you need for your HD TV viewing experience is an HD box and a compatible TV.The 3D Televisions
In the early 2010s, the 3D television came up as the next major viewing trend. It was a technology that was already under experiment through movies like House of Wax and Dial M for Murder in the 1950s. 3D made a comeback after the massive success of the 3D films like Avatar in 2009 and that led to an increase in sales of the 3D TVs. Though 3D offered a different kind of viewing experience, it was not comfortable to watch as the viewer needed to sit wearing glasses to get the full benefit of the technology. Ultimately, 3D proved to be a fad and it did not do anything to enhance the television viewing experience.The LED Sets
The LED TV started becoming popular in the mid-2010s. The technology is the same as LCD, but it utilizes tiny Light Emitting Diodes as the backlight in place of CCFL lamps. There are two kinds of LED sets available at present. Edge-lit panels have the lamps around the edges of the screen, which allows them to be thin and much more energy efficient. Backlit panel TV sets have the LEDs all over the backside of the screen, which means that the picture must be consistent, though they are more expensive.The LEDs are also smart TVs because these have inbuilt internet connectivity. The TV can be connected to a router to get online. All of the major manufacturers are now engaged in making the smart LED TVs. The interfaces are different for each of the models of the TVs but it includes all the apps that you can utilize for streaming content or using extra features. These also include on-demand TV and other apps. Some of the smart LED sets were quite expensive in the beginning but the prices have become cheaper than before now.
The LED sets have come a long way from its initiation in the 2010s and going by the word of the manufacturers, more innovations are on the way. You can expect a better viewing experience than ever before with the LED television sets of the future.
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