How To Conduct A Social Media Audit?

How To Conduct A Social Media Audit
Are you using social media to take your business to the next level? If yes, you must understand the way to conduct a social media audit.

For a beginner, it's so natural to get alarmed by the term itself! However, it's nowhere as scary as it sounds.

What Is A Social Media Audit?

A social media audit is a process where you compile critical information about your social media accounts to create a clear picture of your current efforts and helps you to understand the best way to improve results.

Why Social Media Audit?

When you audit your social media accounts, you will learn what is happening on each network.

With just one glimpse, you would be able to identify;
  • What's working well and what's not.
  • Whether fake accounts are stealing your audience.
  • What are the new tools or opportunities to grow and engage your audience?

Have you performed social media audit before, or is this going to be your first time?

Are you excited?

Keep reading till the end of this article, and I will explain the crucial factors you need to know to perform an effective social media audit.

Before jumping in, here is a tip for you. When you have a highly defined audience, you can build a prospect list. But how to find people's email addresses? Email lookup tools like are a one-stop solution for this.

Discover All Your Social Media Accounts

People often have a misconception that they can list off their social accounts by recollecting their minds.

But, in reality, it does not work that way!

For instance, there could be some old accounts created by someone long before and were left unused at some point in time.

You can do this search on the Web. As you Google your company name, you would see some social media accounts in the result. If you notice accounts you don't recognize, you can further investigate to see if those are fan accounts or fake accounts.

Next, you can go to each social media platform and search directly for your business and product or service name to see if you hit on any unexpected accounts.

Make a list of all these accounts, pages, or profiles that require further research. You can contact the account holders of these accounts directly as it could be a case of a passionate fan or some misunderstanding.

However, suppose you find out that it's a fake account purposeful created to steal your audience or bring down your brand reputation. In that case, you must readily escalate the issue to the respective social media help desk.

Ensure A Completed Account In Each Handle

Now that you are sure about the authentic accounts of your brand, you can now look at each of the accounts thoroughly to ensure that you have updated a consistent profile image, cover image, contact details, landing page, etc.

Identify Your Best Performing Posts

For all your accounts, spot the best-performing posts with maximum engagement. You can quickly get these insights using the built-in analytics tool for each social handle.

With this analysis, you will learn about the content type that got you more engagement - whether image, GIF or video?

Similarly, you may carry out a channel performance evaluation.

Track Results

You may compare your results with the same period last year or last month. By doing so, you will notice a regular seasonal variation that simplifies the ways to identify any unexpected changes in real-time.

Return On Investment

If you have run a paid or organic campaign on any social media channel, you have to calculate the return on investment for each period.

I hope that was helpful.
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