How To Check BIOS Version Information In Windows

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows
BIOS stands for Basic Input and Output system. It’s the most important thing to run Softwares in your operating system. It plays a very important role to manage the connection between motherboard Hardware like processor, graphics card, Ram, hard drive etc in your computer. Time to time, Motherboard needs to upgrade BIOS to fix different issues and bugs. But to upgrade it, you must have to know about its version information before. Because every computer has different version of BIOS. If you’re thinking that your friend’s computer and yours have same BIOS then it’s wrong. Every computer system must have different versions. Well! If you wanna upgrade your system BIOS and wanna know which version is installed, so to know about it, below I’m sharing few simple ways. By following them, you can easily know about your system BIOS.

Ways To Check BIOS Version Information

Here are the three ways to check system BIOS information. No any third party software is required in these steps. Simply follow them perfectly and know about it. So let’s start, how can you check version information of your system BIOS.

1. From System Information Tools

System Information Tools is actually your internal tools of Windows to check full system configuration or details about your computer. This is one of the trusted and easy way to check your version information of BIOS. To check version information, first go to the Start menu and type in search run and press enter. When RUN opens, type msconfig32 and click on OK.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows
When you will click on OK then a folder will open. In this folder you can check your complete information about your computer. You can also see BIOS version information, below the processor information like below image.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows

2. From CMD

One of the finest way is CMD. You can find your version information of BIOS easily through CMD. To find information with CMD, first go to the Start and in search type run and press enter. When RUN opens, type cmd in this and click on 'OK'.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows
When a CMD command promt has been opened, then type below command in it and press enter.
wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion
When you will enter then it will take some time and will show your BIOS version. It shows version information always below 'SMBIOSBIOSVersion'. You can see an example in below image. You can check, my BIOS version is '786H1 v01.05' which is also showing below 'SMBIOSBIOSVersion'.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows

3. From Windows Registry Editor

If you don't want to use above methods, so you can also use the regular Windows Registry to get the BIOS version information. For looking your version information from Windows Registry, go to the Start and search type 'run' then press enter. You can also open RUN directly by pressing 'WIN+R'.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows
Once the RUN opened, type regedit and click on 'OK'.

Check BIOS Version Information In Windows
After that navigate to the following key and you will find the BIOS version information next to the value 'SystemBiosVersion' in the right side.
Check BIOS Version Information In Windows


To find the version information of BIOS, sometimes it is very hard. But if you know simple ways or procedure to find BIOS version information then it's not diffcult for you. Above are some easy ways to find your system BIOS version information. You can easily find by following above 3 methods, if you don't know. In these methods, you don't have any additional software required. Just follow above.
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