Privacy and safety has always been a major concern if we talk about the cyber world. There was a time when we used to be worried about the money in our wallet or at our home but because of technology things are changed drastically and we started keeping everything online including money. And it’s not only money we also keep our personal and critical data on the computer. With the emerging cyber crime it becomes necessary to protect our computers from hackers who can misuse our identity or critical information because the ultimate purpose of creating or installing a malicious program is to use your compute for mala fied activates. In this article we will discuss that how you can keep your windows computer safe.
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1. Use Antivirus Software:
First thing which you should do to start preventing your computer from threats is installing an antivirus. If you do not want to purchase an expensive antivirus then going for a free antivirus is also a good idea which you can download for free and can keep updating to ensure the basic protection. If you are a normal internet user and rarely download content from websites then a free antivirus can work well for you. But if you do not want to download and wanna create yourself then you can check out here.2. Firewall:
By default windows comes with firewall as you can understand by the name itself firewall is a safety wall which stops malicious content from reaching your computer. If this setting is turned off on your computer then by default you will see an alert message on the action centre to turn it on. Here is how you can check or turn on firewall settings on the windows computer.- click on the action centre button given in the system tray (Flag icon)
- In the action center search for firewall. This will open firewall settings and on you will find windows firewall state which should be turned on.
- If windows firewall state is not turned on you can turn it on by clicking “Turn windows firewall on or off” given in the sidebar.

3. Updates:
Developers of windows are self aware of the treats roaming around the world so time to time they keep on releasing updates for your operating system which makes your system protective against these treat. All you need to do is to make it sure that automatic update is turned on and you keep installing all the updates on time.4. Using RAM Cleaner Software:
Ram cleaner software can also work effectively to keep your windows computer safe. Actually an application which cleans RAM on your computer stops all the unwanted processes running in the background which allocate more RAM for antivirus software and thus it can effectively block all the threats in the real time.5. Cloud Backup:
The perfect idea of being safe and protecting your critical data is to keeping it on the same place. These days you will find many reliable platforms which allows you to keep you data safe on the cloud storage the biggest advantage of keeping your data on the cloud is that it can be accessed from anywhere from any device another advantage is that companies which offers cloud storage keep advanced level security for the protection of data. So to keep you windows computer safe you can create an online backup of your critical data and free up the disk space. In case of any miss happening with you computer you can restore the data you have backed up online.6. Download Files And Attachments Carefully:
You need to be extra careful about attachments and files. Only download attachments from the senders you know. When downloading a file from internet you should double check if it is the correct file and in the format it suppose to be most of the viruses and malicious programs travel as email attachments or downloads so it is the area which requires your extra attention.So these were 5 tips which can help you to keep your windows computer Safe. Little bit of awareness can save you from potential losses of money and privacy so start following these tips today and enjoy computing with the peace of mind.
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